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Author: Henry Murphy

Ten Thousand Dollars Cost Me 500k

I made so many mistakes as an entrepreneur that I feel obligated to share my lessons, both the good and the bad. It baffles me to think that in the end, what I needed was a coach. To make it worse, I wasn’t reading about other entrepreneurs, so I missed opportunities to learn. Learning is essential on this entrepreneurial journey. I’ve become a coach so that I can help others get past many of the pain points I have experienced. I tell stories like these so that people don’t miss the opportunities that I missed. This was a very great day, and I was so proud of that day and so proud of my team, but it was afterwards that I considered what it cost me. It doesn’t have to apply the lesson.

So, is it possible to make $10,000 in a day yet lose $500,000? 🧐 If somebody had told me that, I’d be like, “Boy, you crazy. Boy, you lying. Ain’t no way you can make $10,000 in a day and lose $500,000.” Why? Because the math is not mathing, but actually it is. I made $10,000 in a day at an event, but I did not get anyone’s information. I was so happy that the sales were rolling in. Do you know how much that Shopify register had to go off for you to make $10,000 in a day? That thing was like, ding, ding, ding, ding, going crazy. But I wasn’t future-proofing and thinking that this could be a lifetime customer that I could take on a journey. Those $10,000 worth of sales cost me $500,000 because I did not capture the client information.

Situations like these are why I started my podcast and The Ground Up Academy. You know the old saying, a wise person learns from their mistakes. A wiser person learns from others’ mistakes.

The Real Sin is Not Trying

If you took a risk and lost on the business investment, congratulations, you found out what not to do. However, don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. Extract all of the lessons, then go back at it again and again and again.

It’s amazing that we expect our children to walk after a while and we also expect for them to fail repeatedly as they are trying to learn. We can learn a lot from children because we also see the same thing when they are tying their shoes. Be honest, we all become masters at those two things—we don’t think about walking and we don’t think about tying shoes anymore. If we are honest, we probably don’t even remember that we did it this morning. The same goes for any skill set that you are trying to learn, and the same goes for business. You don’t understand business when you get started, and honestly, it’s a journey. You will make a lot of mistakes, but mistakes just show you how not to do it until you find the way to do it. We cannot let fear stop us from trying. I always commend people who try, fail, and then try again.

God gave us a powerful gift when He gave us imagination because imagination allows us to dream. We all have things we desire to do. The real sin is not trying. So I just want to encourage you that when you do fail—because you will, as that is normal—get up again and again until mastery takes place. There are blessings beyond belief on the other side of mastery.

Only Fools Don’t Prepare for the Famine

Only fools don’t prepare for the famine. Now, what do I mean?

Back when we were generating $70,000 a month at Unapologetic, business was booming. We were investing heavily into our growth—doing more photoshoots, upgrading the building, and pouring our profits back into the business. It seemed like the right move. However, we overlooked a crucial biblical principle: saving a fifth of our earnings.

In the Bible, Joseph was tasked with preparing Egypt for a coming famine. Under Pharaoh’s guidance, he collected one-fifth of the produce during seven years of plenty. When the famine struck, Egypt was not only able to sustain itself but also provide for surrounding nations. This wise preparation not only saved countless lives but also strengthened Egypt’s position in the region.

This principle of setting aside 20%—the “one-fifth”—is something I emphasize at The Ground Up Academy. It’s vital to put up that 20% for a rainy day. Why? Because business will fluctuate, and only those who prepare will weather the storm.

We learned this the hard way. By not saving, we left ourselves vulnerable to unexpected downturns. The biblical principle of saving a fifth of your income can change your life. It’s not just about surviving tough times but thriving and being prepared for whatever comes your way.

In summary, don’t be a fool. Prepare for the famine. Save diligently, invest wisely, and ensure that you have reserves for the lean seasons. This foresight can mean the difference between collapse and continued success.


As an entrepreneur, but a believer first, I want to share something that’s at the core of my journey. You might wonder why I emphasize this, why it’s my tagline, and why I’m so passionate about it. It’s because God is the source of our strength and success. He grants us the power to prosper, blesses the work of our hands, and bestows upon us the creativity that fuels our endeavors.

Of course, discipline and effort are essential—we need to put in the work. But, my friends, remember this: every day, let your focus be on your relationship with God. Begin your day by asking Him to fill you with His Holy Spirit, to grant you wisdom, and to meet your needs. Often, we fall into the trap of thinking we’re making things happen on our own. The truth is, our achievements are not just our doing. All blessings flow from Him, and nothing happens unless heaven allows it.

Never forget that, bro.

Unraveling the Paradox: Fear of Success in the Pursuit of Dreams

Success – a concept universally coveted, but could there be a hidden adversary lurking in the shadows? The fear of success, often dismissed as absurd, becomes palpable when one realizes their potential and envisions the journey ahead. It’s not about the desire to fail but rather an unexpected anxiety that accompanies the prospect of achieving greatness.

In the realm of entrepreneurship, the initial struggle is often marked by the fear of failure. Juggling a full-time job while trying to launch a business can feel like overcoming insurmountable odds. However, as the journey progresses, and success becomes a tangible possibility, a new player enters the arena – the fear of success. This blog is dedicated to those on the cusp of their business taking flight, offering insights that resonate even with those navigating the earlier stages.

Elevating our mindset becomes paramount in overcoming these hurdles. The fear of failure may hinder the inception of our endeavors, but the fear of success surfaces when we witness our efforts bearing fruit. The perpetual cycle of challenges, disruptions, and intentions is an inherent part of the entrepreneurial journey. It’s a reminder that as we ascend towards our goals, there will always be obstacles vying to impede our progress.

Continuous investment in mindset and a commitment to learning from those ahead of us become invaluable tools in navigating this paradox. Surrounding ourselves with individuals who surpass our intellect ensures a steady flow of inspiration and guidance. The blog advocates for a proactive approach, urging readers never to stagnate in their pursuit of knowledge and growth.

The notion of a fear of success may appear whimsical, yet it’s a tangible force that surfaces when endeavors begin to flourish. It’s a call to acknowledge and address this psychological hurdle, fostering a mindset that not only embraces success but thrives in its wake. After all, understanding and conquering the fear of success is an essential stride toward realizing our full potential.

I Use to Hate Discipline

I used to hate discipline. But here’s the thing—you don’t want to reach the end of your life and realize that’s your legacy. Think about it. Did you ever start that business you always talked about? Did you get that consultation business off the ground? What about your coaching business, beauty salon, or barber shop? Did you ever launch that e-commerce brand you were so passionate about?

Too often, we let our desires get in the way. We want to sleep in, watch TV, take that trip, buy the new purse or those new shoes. But here’s the hard truth: without discipline, dreams stay dreams.

Don’t let your legacy be that you hated discipline. Make the choice today to prioritize your goals and build the future you’ve always envisioned.

Discipline isn’t easy, but it’s worth it.

The Price of True Riches: Prioritizing God in Life’s Marathon

In the various facets of my journey – be it through podcasts, blogs, social media, books, or speaking engagements – you might have gleaned that my eyes pose a challenge. Consequently, I’ve shifted to absorbing the Bible through audio, a practice I’ve found enriching. Listening to Scripture as I drift into sleep allows my mind to absorb its wisdom consciously, while my subconscious continues the journey through the night.

Recently, a phrase echoed in my waking moments, revealing a profound truth: “Rich towards God.” This simple yet weighty expression resonated deeply, prompting reflection on the evolution of my spiritual wealth. While I believe I’m now more “rich towards God” than ever, it wasn’t always the case, and I acknowledge it might not be for everyone at this moment.

In a world fixated on success, there exists an undeniable need to get the order of priorities right. This blog asserts that the foremost order is God first. Yet, acknowledging God’s priority is easier said than done. It necessitates time, dedication, and a commitment to building a genuine relationship with the invisible yet omnipresent force that guides our lives.

God desires more than mere credit for our blessings; He seeks a relationship. Being “rich towards God,” as mentioned in Luke 12:21, entails prioritizing spiritual and moral values over material wealth. It advocates for investing in relationships with God and others, fostering a mindset of generosity and compassion that transcends worldly possessions.

While ambition and goal-setting are commendable, their significance diminishes if pursued in the wrong order. This teaching underscores the marathon nature of our spiritual journey, urging us not to rush through the Bible but to dwell, question, and sit with the scriptures. God desires to lead our lives as a good father, a caring shepherd.

So, what does it mean to be rich towards God? It means making God a priority, investing time, affection, and all that is within us. It might cost us something, but in the grand tapestry of life, the true richness lies in being deeply connected with the divine, making it a priority that outweighs all else.

Pressing Forward

Receiving the news that my retina was detaching in my left eye, leading to immediate surgery and the declaration of legal blindness, was a seismic moment. The prospect of never driving again weighed heavy, and the journey to process this unexpected reality was challenging for both me and my wife.

In the midst of grappling with this life-altering news, a divine prompting led me to embark on writing my book, “God Bless The Entrepreneur: The First Decade.” Armed with my iPhone and a determination to transcend visual limitations, I recorded voice notes, trusting that there was a purpose in this creative endeavor.

Living as a visually impaired individual in Los Angeles, the fast-pace metropolis, presented unique challenges. The city’s relentless pace demanded a deliberate slowing of my mind to navigate its streets. Frustration became a companion, yet the overarching desire to move forward persisted.

Amidst the complexities, I found grace in being able to accomplish various tasks despite visual impairment. I authored two unpublished books, maintained a consistent schedule of four weekly blogs, and continually embraced opportunities to learn new skills.

As my vision further declined, a visit to the eye doctor revealed the presence of cataracts in both eyes. A prior conversation echoed, where the doctor mentioned the role of oil in stimulating cataract growth. Acknowledging this reality, I scheduled an appointment with a surgeon to address the issue.

Life with visual impairment is a journey marked by resilience. Faced with the challenge of cataracts, I choose to press forward. Every day brings its share of frustrations, yet the determination to fulfill my calling propels me. We all confront circumstances, but within each challenge lies a divine calling that beckons us to endure.

This blog stands as a testament to the encouragement for others facing adversity: keep going, carry your burdens to the One who called you, and embrace the very purpose for which you were created.

A Reflection on God’s Ways

“Forknew” – a word that resonates with an elusive quality, challenging us to grasp its essence. In contemplating the purposes of God, one undeniable truth emerges – His faithfulness. While admitting the struggle to fully comprehend His actions, we find solace in the certainty that our wisdom pales in comparison to His. The profound revelation that God shares His creative essence with us is nothing short of miraculous. Despite the challenge of perceiving Him, acknowledging the eternal nature of God against our temporal existence becomes a vital aspect of our spiritual journey.

Reflecting on the intricate balance between God’s eternal perspective and our limited understanding, the struggle to discern His movements in our lives becomes apparent. The realization that God guides us towards our intended path, despite our personal ambitions, is underscored. Examining biblical narratives reveals a consistent human tendency to deviate from God’s plan, emphasizing the importance of submission to fulfill one’s purpose. Staying connected to God emerges as a safeguard against straying from the designated path and succumbing to individual desires.

As the exploration of God deepens, a sense of awe intensifies. The more one learns about Him, the more profound the impact on personal perspective. The rhetorical question arises: Who can challenge His wisdom? This rhetorical pondering reinforces the notion of God’s omnipotence and leaves us in perpetual amazement. The concept of a holy God choosing to dwell within imperfect vessels prompts contemplation on His purpose and the allowance of events on Earth. The acknowledgment that every innovative occurrence on the planet is permitted by God adds a layer of complexity to understanding His divine plan.

Expressing love and devotion, a poignant declaration emerges – “I love you, Lord. You are enough.” This emotional affirmation encapsulates the profound connection between the individual and the divine. The understanding that, regardless of external circumstances, God’s sufficiency remains unwavering becomes a source of strength and comfort. The divine love expressed becomes a foundation for navigating life’s challenges and uncertainties.

In conclusion, the imperative to stay connected to God is emphasized as an unparalleled source of guidance and understanding. Acknowledging that no one knows us like He does, the encouragement to remain tethered to the divine amidst life’s complexities echoes throughout. The journey of faith, marked by the struggle to comprehend the unfathomable, ultimately leads to a place of unwavering trust and love for a God whose ways surpass our understanding.

Right People in the Right Places

In the dynamic world of business, the phrase “Aces in Their Places” holds the key to unlocking success. Drawing from my experiences managing restaurants like CHECKERS and rallies drive-in, I discovered the profound impact of aligning individuals with their strengths in the workplace. This principle became a cornerstone for both my managerial success and later, as I ventured into entrepreneurship.

The Restaurant Success Story
As a restaurant manager, I quickly grasped the significance of having the right team members in the right roles. Graded by both the owner and corporate, a successful year showcased the power of this principle. The harmony of a well-organized team, each member excelling in their designated tasks, resulted in outstanding sales and recognition.

Transition to Entrepreneurship
Applying the same principle to my business, I aimed to assemble a team tailored to their strengths. While we achieved considerable success, there were pitfalls. This blog delves into the lessons learned, emphasizing the crucial role of specific professionals beyond the operational team.

Key Players in Business
Starting a business requires more than just a skilled workforce. Beyond social media teams and operational staff, securing a trademark attorney, business attorney, CPA, and strategic planners becomes paramount. This section explores the necessity of these roles through real-life experiences.

The Taxing Mistake
Sharing a personal setback, I reveal the cost of not having the right CPA in place. A substantial $85,000 in old taxes became a costly lesson, and I highlight the potential consequences for entrepreneurs who overlook this crucial role.

Safeguarding Your Brand
The narrative unfolds with cautionary tales of entrepreneurs losing their hard-built brands due to a lack of trademark protection. Insightful stories underscore the importance of learning from the mistakes of others.

Aspiring entrepreneurs, heed the lessons shared in this blog. Learn from both successes and failures, prioritize assembling the right team, and recognize the indispensable roles of professionals beyond your operational staff. May this guide you toward a path of prosperity, growth, and inspiration for others in the entrepreneurial journey.