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Author: Henry Murphy

Grace 40: Embracing Adversity and Overcoming Challenges

The thought of writing this blog almost brings me to tears, not because of the vision loss in my right eye and the mere 40% sight left in my lefteye, but because this journey is so much bigger than that. This is a tale of facing adversity head-on and emerging stronger, of finding grace in the most challenging moments of life.

In this season of my life, I’ve encountered numerous challenges. Yet, I’ve come to realize that adversity has a way of molding us into better versions of ourselves. It’s a journey we must navigate, not bypass, for it’s within these trials that we discover our true strength.

With my changing condition, I’ve had to adopt a new approach to life. It’s a bit like being released from jail and seeing freedom in an entirely new light. I might not fully comprehend the feeling of incarceration, but I do understand what it’s like to confront the brink of losing my vision and having to navigate life under such conditions.

My goal, in the face of adversity, is to be relentless in pursuing what I believe I’m called to do. Instead of settling for self-publishing or seeking a distributor, I founded my own publishing company. Despite the challenges in reading, I recorded the Audible version of my book myself, and this journey of innovation was nothing short of incredible.

Throughout this journey, I’ve come to recognize the extraordinary role that grace plays in our lives. It’s the divine strength that empowers us to accomplish seemingly impossible feats. Grace has been the driving force behind my ability to overcome obstacles and pursue my dreams.

In the summer of 2022, I took a significant leap by relocating to Los Angeles, California. It wasn’t the move that was afraid of, but the uncharted territory I had to conquer with limited vision. I moved to the heart of the city, determined not to rely on others for mobility. Learning the city, its sidewalks, streets, and building connections with people I could hardly see brought a new dimension to resilience.

During this transformative period, I’ve ventured into coaching in business and public speaking. I’ve produced more social media content in California than I have in the past five years. It’s a testament to what one can achieve with grace as a guiding force.

In the grand tapestry of life, grace is the thread that stitches our resilience, innovation, and relentless pursuit of growth. It’s a reminder not to take grace for granted but to embrace it and allow it to shape us into who we are destined to become. Let grace make you better, and let it empower you to fulfill your divine purpose.

The Power of Your Calendar: A Key to ACheving Your Dreams

Have you ever heard the saying, “If it’s not on your calendar, you’re not serious about it”? In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s easy to get caught up in the chaos and lose sight of our dreams and goals. But there’s a simple tool that can help keep you on track and accountable – your calendar.

When you’re pursuing a dream, perfection isn’t the goal – consistency is. The key to building momentum in your journey towards your aspirations is to use your calendar effectively. The idea is not to overload your calendar with tasks, but to schedule enough to achieve incremental goals. Start by setting achievable milestones, and once you’ve conquered them, add more tasks to your calendar.

Your calendar isn’t just a digital or physical schedule; it’s your accountability partner. It’s the tangible representation of your commitment to your goals. To make the most of your calendar, implement SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound). As you tick off these goals, keep setting more to push your limits and continue your progress.

Whether you’re an iPhone user or prefer an Android device, modern technology offers calendar apps that make organizing your life a breeze. Utilize your smartphone to its fullest potential. The key here is to use your calendar to build resilience. As you consistently achieve smaller goals, you’ll naturally start aiming for bigger and more ambitious ones.

Don’t wait for the perfect moment to begin; start today. Your calendar is your ally on the path to success. By scheduling your tasks, setting SMART goals, and tracking your progress, you’ll create the consistency and momentum needed to reach your dreams.

In conclusion, your calendar isn’t just a tool for managing your appointments – it’s your ticket to transforming dreams into reality. Embrace it, make it your accountability partner, and witness the power of consistent progress towards your goals.

So, get out there, put it on your calendar, and make your dreams happen! 💪🏾

Embracing Persistence, Discipline, and Faith in Entrepreneurship

In the world of entrepreneurship, the journey is often filled with challenges and obstacles. It’s a path where adversity is a constant companion, and success requires a unique blend of qualities. To navigate this terrain successfully, one must embrace persistence, discipline, and faith.

  1. Persistence: The Key to Overcoming Obstacles
    Persistence is the unwavering commitment to moving forward despite the obstacles that inevitably arise. In entrepreneurship, setbacks are common, and it’s easy to become discouraged. However, it’s those who persist, who refuse to give up in the face of adversity, that ultimately reach their goals. Remember, every obstacle is an opportunity for growth and learning.
  2. Adversity: A Companion on the Entrepreneurial Journey
    Adversity is not the enemy; it’s a teacher. It shows its face on your journey as an entrepreneur, testing your resolve and pushing you to adapt and innovate. Embrace adversity as a chance to become stronger and more resilient. In the world of business, those who can weather the storms emerge stronger on the other side.
  3. Discipline: Your Best Friend in Achieving Goals
    Discipline is the foundation of success. It’s the ability to stay focused, work consistently, and make the necessary sacrifices to achieve your objectives. Make discipline your best friend on this journey. Create daily routines, set clear goals, and hold yourself accountable. With discipline as your ally, you can turn your dreams into reality.
  4. Faith and Humility: Surrendering Your Plans to God.
    Entrepreneurship can be a rollercoaster ride, and there will be moments when you question your decisions and abilities. During these times, it’s essential to submit your plans to God. Trust God direct your steps. Stay humble in your pursuits, recognizing that you don’t have all the answers.
  5. Patience: The Virtue of Progre.
    Patience is the virtue that complements persistence. Building a successful business takes time. Understand that overnight success is rare, and most entrepreneurs face years of hard work before seeing significant results. Stay patient and keep moving forward, even when the rewards seem distant.

The path of entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart. It’s a journey marked by persistence in the face of adversity, disciplined efforts, faith, humility, and unwavering patience. Embrace these qualities, and you’ll find yourself better equipped to achieve everything you hold in your heart to do. Remember, success is not just about the destination; it’s also about the person you become along the way.

Rewire Your Mindset for Success

In the pursuit of personal and professional growth, one of the most powerful tools at your disposal is the act of reading. It’s a pathway to expanding your knowledge, challenging your assumptions, and ultimately, rewiring your thought patterns. In this blog, we’ll explore the journey of self-improvement, with a focus on transforming negative thoughts into positive ones.

Before we dive into the process of reprogramming our minds, let’s take a moment to appreciate the marvel of neuroplasticity. Our brains have an incredible ability to adapt, change, and rewire themselves. This phenomenon, known as neuroplasticity, allows us to mold our thought processes, behaviors, and even our beliefs.

For those aspiring to be successful entrepreneurs, the importance of a growth-oriented mindset cannot be overstated. The road to entrepreneurship is often paved with challenges and uncertainties, and it’s our mindset that can make all the difference. To truly excel, one must be committed to a continuous process of self-improvement.

Negative thoughts can be like roadblocks on your path to success. They limit your potential and hinder progress. To rewire your mindset, you need to identify these negative thoughts and consciously replace them with positive ones. It’s not an easy task, but it’s a crucial one.

As an entrepreneur, your mindset should be in a constant state of evolution. The world of business is dynamic, and your capacity to learn and adapt is your greatest asset. Elevate your mindset by seeking out new knowledge, embracing challenges, and learning from your experiences. Remember, a growth mindset is your key to success.

In the journey of personal and professional development, reading is your compass, neuroplasticity is your guiding star, and a growth-oriented mindset is your ultimate destination. By rewiring your thoughts and replacing negativity with positivity, you can continually elevate your mindset and propel yourself towards entrepreneurial greatness.

So, make the commitment to grow, evolve, and rewire your mindset. Your future as a successful entrepreneur depends on it. Embrace the power of neuroplasticity and watch your potential soar to new heights.

Embracing Change: A Journey of Entrepreneurship and Faith


In the world of entrepreneurship, change is the only constant. After 13 years on this rollercoaster ride, I’ve learned that embracing new challenges is the key to evolution. But it’s not always easy. Learning new things can be a daunting task, yet it’s essential for growth.

I’m currently in a season of life that I adore, and it’s all thanks to a bold move to Los Angeles, California, driven by faith. This change has opened doors to a new and exciting chapter. It’s a reminder that sometimes, we need to step out of our comfort zones and follow our instincts, even when it’s a leap of faith.

One thing I’ve realized is that I never want to become so comfortable that I’m hesitant to make a move when I feel a calling from within. It’s crucial to stay obedient to our inner guidance, especially when it aligns with our deepest beliefs and passions.

In conclusion, my entrepreneurial journey has taught me that embracing change, taking risks, and staying obedient to our convictions are the cornerstones of personal and professional growth. So, let’s not be afraid to pivot, for it’s in those pivotal moments that we often find our true purpose and experience the most incredible transformations.

10 Crucial Questions to Ask Your Distributor Before Onboarding

Choosing the right distributor for your products is a pivotal decision for your business. Finding a reliable partner to store and ship your goods efficiently is essential. To ensure a successful partnership, here are ten questions you should ask before onboarding with a distributor:

  1. Where Are You Located?
  • Understanding the distributor’s physical location can provide insights into their proximity to your customer base and shipping efficiency.
  1. What Is Your Processing and Shipping Time?
  • In the world of e-commerce, fast shipping is crucial. Ask about their processing times and shipping options to meet your customers’ expectations.
  1. How Do You Handle Returns & Exchanges?
  • Clear return and exchange policies are vital. Make sure the distributor has a well-defined process for handling these situations.
  1. Who Handles Customer Service?
  • Know who will be interacting with your customers. Effective communication is key to a successful partnership.
  1. What Is the Payment Schedule?
  • Discuss payment terms and schedules to ensure they align with your financial needs and expectations.
  1. How Much Is Charged for Storage?
  • Understand the costs associated with storing your products, as this can significantly impact your bottom line.
  1. How Much Do You Charge for Receiving and Sorting My Items?
  • Clarify any fees related to receiving, inspecting, and sorting your products upon arrival at the distribution center.
  1. How Do You Handle Late Payments?
  • It’s important to know the distributor’s policy on late payments and any associated penalties.
  1. Does Your Software Integrate with My Web Platform (If Not Shopify)?
  • If you use a specific e-commerce platform other than Shopify, inquire about software compatibility to streamline the order fulfillment process.
  1. What Is Your Monthly Shipping Capacity?
    • Understanding the distributor’s shipping capacity is crucial, especially if your business experiences fluctuations in order volume.

Choosing the right distributor is a critical decision that can impact your brand’s reputation and customer satisfaction. Asking these ten questions will help you make an informed choice and set the foundation for a successful partnership with your distributor.

The Entrepreneur’s Mantra: Work, Intent, and Community

In the world of entrepreneurship, there’s a saying that rings particularly true: “If you don’t work, you don’t eat.” This adage serves as a powerful reminder of the fundamental principle that underpins success in any venture. In the realm of business creation and innovation, God may make the world, but it is up to us to make our own tables.

Entrepreneurship demands a relentless commitment to hard work and intentionality. It’s not merely about having a brilliant idea; it’s about rolling up your sleeves and tirelessly putting in the effort to bring that idea to life. Each day is an opportunity to put our hand to the plow and work diligently towards our goals.

Building a habit of intentionality is a cornerstone of entrepreneurial success. It’s about making a conscious choice to steer our actions and decisions towards our objectives. This means not just going through the motions but actively shaping our path with purpose.

One powerful way to foster this habit is by dedicating time each day to learn from others who have walked the entrepreneurial path. In today’s digital age, resources abound, whether it’s through books, podcasts, or social media. By listening to the experiences and insights of fellow entrepreneurs, we gain valuable knowledge and perspective.

Books, with their timeless wisdom, offer a wealth of information. Podcasts provide a dynamic platform to hear firsthand stories of triumphs and setbacks from successful entrepreneurs. Social media connects us with a global community of like-minded individuals, sharing ideas, inspiration, and support.

Equally crucial is the company we keep. Surrounding ourselves with like-minded people who share our drive for entrepreneurial success can be a game-changer. They provide not only motivation but also a network of valuable connections and collaborators.

In conclusion, the entrepreneurial journey is a demanding but rewarding one. To thrive in this world, we must embrace the mantra of work, intention, and community. Each day, we must put our hand to the plow, be intentional in our actions, and seek inspiration and support from fellow entrepreneurs. By doing so, we can build a solid foundation for success and turn our entrepreneurial dreams into reality.

10 Essential Questions to Ask Your Trademark Lawyer

I have quite a few trademarks under my belt and I wanted to make this process easier for people. This step is important because if you don’t own the trademark then you don’t own the business. When it comes to protecting your brand, hiring a trademark lawyer is a smart move. Trademarks are crucial assets that can make or break your business. To ensure you’re on the right path, here are ten questions you should ask your trademark lawyer.

  1. Do I Need a Trademark?
  • Start with the basics. Your lawyer can help you determine if trademarking your business name or logo is necessary.
  1. What Can I Trademark?
  • Learn what elements of your brand can be trademarked, such as names, logos, slogans, and even sounds.
  1. Is My Trademark Available?
  • Your lawyer will conduct a search to see if your desired trademark is already in use, which is vital to avoid potential legal issues.
  1. How Do I Register My Trademark?
  • Understand the registration process and the associated costs and timelines.
  1. What’s the Difference Between ™ and ®?
  • Your lawyer can explain the significance of these symbols and when to use them.
  1. How Long Does Trademark Protection Last?
  • Learn about the duration of trademark protection and the need for renewals.
  1. What if Someone Infringes on My Trademark?
  • Discuss the steps to take if someone uses your trademark without permission.
  1. Can I License or Sell My Trademark?
  • Explore the options for licensing your trademark to others or selling it outright.
  1. Should I Trademark Internationally?
  • If your business operates globally, ask about international trademark protection.
  1. What Are the Costs and Fees Involved?
    • Get a clear picture of the legal fees and costs associated with trademark registration and maintenance.

Remember, consulting with a trademark lawyer is an investment in protecting your brand’s identity and reputation. These questions will help you gain a deeper understanding of the trademark process and ensure that your intellectual property is well-guarded.


Embracing Losses and Perseverance on the Journey to Success

In the pursuit of our dreams and goals, losses are an inevitable part of the journey. However, it’s essential to understand that every loss carries a valuable lesson.

“I don’t mind losing along the journey. Every loss is a lesson.”

Rather than seeing losses as setbacks, view them as opportunities for growth and learning. Each defeat can provide insights and experiences that propel you forward.

“I will always get better because I never stop trying.”

Continuous effort and perseverance are the keys to improvement. Success often lies in the willingness to keep trying, adapting, and evolving in the face of challenges.

“My favorite 2Pac line is, ‘You let them other buses cry at least you tried for it.’ You don’t want to be on the other side of not trying.”

These words from 2Pac serve as a powerful reminder that it’s better to try and potentially fail than to never make an attempt. Regret often accompanies inaction, while taking chances can lead to growth and achievement.

In summary, the journey to success is marked by losses, but it’s how we approach and learn from them that truly matters. Embrace setbacks as opportunities, stay persistent, and never be on the side of regretting not having tried.

Finding Purpose and Drive: A Journey Rooted in Faith

There’s an undeniable power in purpose that transcends mere ambition. For some, the grind of daily life isn’t just about becoming something; it’s deeply grounded in a profound relationship with Jesus. In this blog post, we’ll explore the transformative influence of purpose, faith, and how they shape our daily lives.

The Power of Purpose

Purpose is the guiding light that leads us through the twists and turns of life. It’s the driving force that propels us forward when challenges seem insurmountable. Purpose gives meaning to our actions, infusing them with significance.

For many, discovering their purpose can be a lifelong journey. It’s not always a sudden revelation but rather a gradual understanding that unfolds over time. And when that purpose is found, it becomes a source of unyielding motivation.

The Grind with a Purpose

When your grind is grounded in purpose, it takes on a different dimension. It’s not just about going through the motions or chasing success for its own sake. It’s about aligning your daily actions with a higher calling.

Each day becomes an opportunity to fulfill your purpose, to live out your mission. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a professional, a parent, or pursuing any other path in life, having a clear sense of purpose can fuel your determination.

Faith as the Foundation

For many individuals, faith plays an essential role in shaping their sense of purpose. It provides a spiritual compass, guiding them towards a life that’s not solely self-centered but service-oriented. A relationship with Jesus, in particular, can provide a profound sense of purpose rooted in love, compassion, and faith.

Believing in a the Lord for my salvation and day to day offers solace in times of adversity and a profound sense of direction in life’s journey. It’s a reminder that we are part of something greater, and our actions can be a testament to our faith.

Attacking Each Day with Purpose

When you believe in purpose, every day becomes an opportunity to live out your calling. You attack each day not with a sense of dread or routine, but with excitement and intention. You see challenges as opportunities for growth, setbacks as stepping stones to something greater.

In conclusion, there’s something truly remarkable about living a life grounded in purpose and faith. It transforms the daily grind into a meaningful journey. It provides the strength to overcome obstacles and the resilience to keep moving forward. So, whether you’re seeking your purpose or have already found it, remember that it’s the driving force that can make each day a step towards a more fulfilling life.