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A Humble Story: The Southside of Chicago

Jun 12, 2023

Their was a cook out on the south side of Chicago. It was an amazing get together. Good food, good music and laughter. The men was gathered on one side and the women on the other side of the yard.

There was a guy name Gerald who started to speak about being married and never once cheated on his wife. The guys around him marveled. As soon as he finished speaking, one of the women passed by the guys. She was beautiful to the eyes. Gerald looked at her not once, but three times. It was obvious he was lusting at this point.

He immediately remembered the scripture about if you lust for a woman in your heart that you already committed adultery. He humbled himself and repented.

Humility is one of those things that escapes us everyday and we have to be intentional about being humble.

As his popularity grew, his influence grew and so did his team. Promoters started booking him across the country, and he was selling out shows. He use to seek God about every decision, but that behavior started to fade. He started taking opinions from the experts in the industry.

He started to talk about his big plans. He would say” I’m going to do this and do that and we will run the numbers up””! He was immediately convicted and remembered this scripture. If God’s will, we would do this or do that. He remembered
his life was a vapor and every breath is the grace of God.

He repented! Humility is not natural for us and we have to be intentional about being humble.