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Tag: Entrepreneurship

Trust God Trust the Process Pt. 1

I created this design as I was approaching a new season in my life. I had no idea what the season entailed but I noticed a shift. 

I am a pretty seasoned entrepreneur but I felt like things were beginning to slip. I honestly felt like money was leaving my hands as fast as it came in. 

As I looked at everything, I slowly realized that I wasn’t doing anything differently yet sales were  drying up. I began to wonder if this was God’s  doing and if it was, then how was I supposed to respond?

Little did I know that this was just the beginning.  As I sat in my office at The Compound, my heart said, “Trust God. Trust the Process.”



We expect the seasons to change. We know that when the tree shows new leaves and the flowers bloom that spring is approaching. we understand by nature that this is a natural order of life. So why is it that it’s hard to understand that our personal life has its own seasons.

It’s easy for us to adapt to the good seasons when money is flowing and their nothing is going wrong. However, the boring and challenging seasons makes us very uncomfortable: I have personally wasted a lot of these seasons but when you see them come around again and again, you begin to realize that you keep missing something.

I want to encourage you to slow down in these seasons and take advantage of them. Wealth is built in these seasons, new character is built in these seasons, perserance and faith is also built in these seasons.



I absolutely love the word yet. Yet gives hope, yet tells me it’s possible. You have to be able to see it before it manifest. Imagination is important because if you can imagine it, it’s in your grasp.

I look at my goals and I know that if God gives me the grace to live, they will happen. Here is my thinking. Their are business’ I haven’t created yet . Their is real estate development I haven’t purchased yet. Their is design deals I haven’t made yet. Their are books I have written and published yet .

Keep your dreams in front of you and move towards them in faith. Plan and execute.


Mindset is Key

There were times that I took road trips to an event, having twenty dollars on my bank card and no where to stay. I would swipe my card for a dollar to fill up the tank, to get me there because I knew I had a few days to get that money in the account before the balance came out. I cannot lie, doing this made me feel in a way, like a failure. I had to remind myself of the things God put in my heart and stay faithful to the vision.  

The truth was that I had enough money to pay the vendor fee for the event and to print the tees. I knew if I could just get there; that we had a great product and people would love them. As the owner, I felt I had to be the one talking to them, so I could explain the meaning behind each tee. I believed that if I could get it to the people who I came in contact with, they would help get it to the rest of the world. 

My faith and mindset was and is big and my actions showed it. You have to have the will power to push past your circumstances no matter what it looks like. There will be times that you have to risk it all to see the vision come to past. 



Arie (my granddaughter) allowed me to look beyond myself. It wasn’t until she was born, that I started thinking about my Legacy. My focus was always on building something unique, but not necessarily past my life time. 

I had real goals and ambitions before her, but now they are more centered. My wife and I had kids quite early, thus when I started my entrepreneurial journey, my kids were pretty much grown. 

One of my favorite Entrepreneurs is Sam Walton. I loved his grind and commitment to his vision, he was all a about customer service. In my opinion, his kids almost destroyed his legacy because of their lack of customer service. I think that’s partly due to them not being apart of the day to day grind. 

Arie is 4 years old right now. and I want her to see everything that goes on, I want her to grow up in it and appreciate the hard work that comes with entrepreneurship. And having her to see and witness the sacrifice it takes, the failures and how to push pass them, in order to succeed. 
