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My struggle with prayer

Sep 21, 2022

What a strange thing for a believer to say, right? I admit that prayer has always been hard for me and at best, I probably would have a good five minutes in me. 

I am naturally rebellious in nature. I just added prayer to the list. My heart has slowly been changing to the concept of prayer.

I have been continuously reading the gospels for a few months now and I found out how, when you read them like that, you get so much more. You begin to comprehend and pick up on things that you’ve never seen before.

Now, we all know that Jesus pulled away to pray to the Father. I never quite realized how much though. The very fact that the Son of Man had to pull away to pray began to soften my heart. 

The ultimate sacrifice was before He went to the cross and began to pray for the believers–those “in the now” and those to come in the future. I realize that prayer is not a choice but a duty. The more we abide in Him, the more He reveals Himself to us. 

I’ll leave you with two things today. The prayer of the righteous avails much, and God doesn’t hear the prayer of the sinner. If these two things are true, our duty is clear.