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From the Ground Up

Jun 26, 2023

I love Facebook memories for this one reason. It shows me pictures from 2012. It’s when I first started the brand and some of the things that I was doing. It made me remember things that I totally forgot about.

When you make a certain amount of money, and the business is doing well. It’s easy to forget about how you started. The memories reminded me of the foundation that I’ve built with the brand from the beginning.

This is important for two reasons. One, is that I can teach others how to build a brand from the ground up. Secondly, I can build another brand similar with the same concept that I used to build the first brand.

People will always tell you that it’s easy to build something, but that’s not true. It takes perseverance, hard work, and trial and error. But, the good news is that it’s attainable. I have been in Los Angeles, California for one year. I can see the opportunity on how to build my active brand from the ground up.

I would not talk about the details here on how I plan to do it, but I will share at a later time. I am excited about the possibilities of what I can do, and you should too. Now, go and build something great.