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Author: Henry Murphy

Declaring and Becoming: Embracing God’s Call in the Unfamilia

In response to God’s calling, a journey unfolded, urging me to embrace roles seemingly unfamiliar—speaker, author, and coach. Initially, these aspirations felt distant from my perceived strengths.

A persistent urgency nudged me towards these seemingly incongruent paths. Have you ever felt a compelling force driving you toward something, yet the reasons remain shrouded in mystery? This was my paradoxical experience, guided by an unwavering connection with God’s Holy Spirit.

Years ago, a subtle notion prompted me to outline the chapters of a book. Although initially unsure, the idea resurfaced, pushing me to revisit my notes and enhance them with accumulated experiences. Despite being a novice in writing, I ventured into the realm of self-discovery, delving into the intricacies of book publishing.

Research unveiled the right and wrong ways to publish, the art of marketing, and the collaborators who could shape my thoughts. Amid this learning, a relentless inner voice echoed, asserting, “You are not an author.” Negative self-talk threatened to overshadow my newfound ambition. Yet, recalling God’s declaration, I consciously affirmed, “I am an author,” morphing my declaration into a lived reality.

Similarly, my journey into coaching bore witness to the transformative power of declaring and becoming. Mentoring young entrepreneurs in business, I already embodied coaching qualities but hesitated to adopt the title. Aligning with God’s vision, I stepped into coaching, securing clients and sustaining our livelihood during the transition.

While I have yet to be booked for speaking engagements as of this blog’s writing, I faithfully practice and declare my speaking abilities. Embracing the understanding that God’s calling is unique, the battle against self-sabotage rages on. It’s a call to click into action, to walk confidently in the roles div

Intention vs Distraction: A Single Mother’s Journey to Sweet Potato Pie Success

In a quaint town, a resilient single mother, April, harbored a sweet dream — crafting the most delectable sweet potato pies. However, with tight finances and a myriad of distractions, her path was paved with challenges.

Instead of succumbing to life’s diversions, April chose to embrace intention. With her unwavering passion for baking, she transformed obstacles into opportunities. The aroma of sweet potato pies would soon permeate the community.

Navigating the delicate balance of motherhood and entrepreneurship, April decided to take her pies to the people. Armed with determination, she hosted tastings at local coffee shops, farmers markets, and community events. Her pies became not just a dessert but a conversation starter, creating a buzz around town.

Understanding the power of modern communication, April integrated an SMS system into her business. This not only streamlined orders but also helped her build a loyal customer base. In a world filled with distractions, April prioritized the customer experience, ensuring each interaction left a sweet impression.

April’s journey wasn’t without its share of challenges, but her focus on intention propelled her forward. She didn’t let financial constraints or the complexities of single parenthood deter her. Every pie she baked told a story of resilience and dedication.

As her business flourished, April’s commitment to being present in each moment became her secret ingredient. In a world of constant distractions, she created a haven of delightful indulgence.

The tale of April, the single mother turned successful baker, is a testament to the power of intention. Through the ups and downs, she proved that with a dash of passion, a dollop of determination, and a sprinkle of focus, dreams can indeed become a reality. Sweet potato pies became more than just desserts—they became a symbol of one woman’s unwavering pursuit of a sweeter

TBreaking Barriers: A Journey from Doubt to Magazine Success

I vividly remember the day my dream of creating a print magazine seemed like an insurmountable mountain. There was a single factor that loomed over my aspirations—I wasn’t much of a reader. At nearly 40 years old, having only enjoyed a handful of books in my life, I felt an overwhelming sense of impostor syndrome. How could I, with such limited reading experience, claim the title of editor in chief for a magazine?

The turning point happened during a vacation with my wife in Siesta Keys, Florida, one of my favorite places on earth. As I reveled in the joy of playing in the water like a carefree child, the entire vision unfolded before me during the drive back to Atlanta, Georgia. It was a divine download, a moment of clarity gifted by God.

To make this dream a reality, I had to step out of my own way. It’s a common struggle in life—we become our own stumbling blocks, overthinking situations, and engaging in self-sabotage. Armed with this newfound clarity, I put the right people in the right positions upon returning to Atlanta. I reached out to previous advertisers from my prior business, sharing the exciting venture I had in store and encouraging them to be part of it.

The journey was not without its challenges, but it turned out to be some of the most fulfilling work I had ever done. The magazine, envisioned during that drive back from Florida, exceeded expectations and flourished.

To those reading this, who, like me, may have dreams but find themselves obstructed by their own thoughts, consider this: often, we are the architects of our own limitations. Break free from self-imposed barriers. Open up the road in your mind that hinders you from achieving everything you were meant to in life.

In my case, it took a moment of divine inspiration on a beach in Florida to shatter my mental roadblocks and set me on a path to creating something extraordinary. Your moment might be waiting for you to acknowledge it. Embrace the journey, get out of your own way, and witness the incredible possibilities that unfold.

We Going Live

Lately, I’ve been immersing myself in new skill sets that have pushed me to become a version of myself I hadn’t envisioned. It’s remarkable what unfolds when you commit to the process. I’ll admit, I initially resisted these changes, especially when it came to a particular skill set I’m diving into. While I won’t divulge all the details today, a significant portion involves public speaking—a realm that has always stirred a sense of fear within me.

Despite having been on stages as an artist and enjoying interactions with people, the fear of public speaking lingered. It was during a conversation with my friend Jay that he dropped a gem of wisdom: “Do it scared.” Those words resonated profoundly, becoming my mantra whenever self-doubt crept in. So, even when my mindset whispered that I couldn’t do it, my response became a resolute “We’re going to do it, even if we have to do it scared.”

This fear of public speaking extended to the realm of going live on social media. In a coaching session with a client, her social media manager suggested going live, and I echoed the sentiment. However, post-meeting, I felt a sense of conviction—why hadn’t I been doing this myself for years? Taking swift action upon conviction is crucial. I promptly added going live to my weekly schedule and, without delay, went live the other day.

As I navigated this new skill set, I found that once I started talking, the camera faded away, leaving only the words and the connection. Going live on various platforms—YouTube, Facebook, Instagram—became a practice ground, not just for comfort but for the potential impact a chosen topic might have on someone on the other end.

This approach serves a dual purpose: honing my ability to speak live and potentially offering insights that resonate with viewers. If you follow me on social media, brace yourself for more live sessions. I’ve resolved that if I’m going to do it, I’ll do it, even if it means doing it scared. The journey of embracing fear is an exploration of untapped potentials and a commitment to growth.

Don’t go through life with your shoes untied

In a recent podcast episode titled “No Hesitation in Your Preparation,” I delved into the concept of being prepared for the things we aspire to do. It’s easy to fall into the belief that we can drift through life aimlessly, lacking intention, and still magically achieve our goals. However, the reality is that if we aim for nothing, we’ll hit it every single time.

Consider this: It’s impossible to transition from a regular job to becoming a full-time entrepreneur without adequate preparation. We can’t expect to seamlessly step into a new chapter of our lives if we haven’t invested time and effort in getting ready for it.

We often find time for various activities but overlook preparing for the one thing that can genuinely transform our lives for the better. For those of you reading this while stuck in a job you dislike, the key to change lies in preparation. Chart your vision, reinforce it with affirmations, integrate discipline, and ready yourself for the results.

Life rarely unfolds exactly as planned. Sometimes, our aspirations face unexpected twists and turns. It’s during these moments that we must adjust our approach, tweaking our input to align with the desired output.

Going through life with untied shoes is akin to navigating without preparation—it leads to unnecessary stumbling and challenges. We owe it to ourselves to tie our metaphorical shoelaces, embracing readiness in every aspect of our journey.

The call to action is simple: get prepared. Don’t allow yourself to drift through life with untied shoes. Take the time to invest in your dreams, equip yourself with the skills and mindset needed to succeed, and embrace the journey with intentionality.

Remember, preparation isn’t just a one-time task—it’s a continuous effort. As you face the uncertainties of the future, having your shoes tied, metaphorically speaking, will provide a foundation for stability and success. So, no hesitation—prepare for the life you envision, and watch as your intentional efforts lead you toward the positive change you seek.

Momentum in Motion: Fixing Phones to Crafting a Dream

Meet Charlie, a determined individual with a knack for fixing phones. Juggling a full-time job as a restaurant manager and supporting a family of five, he faced the challenge of realizing his dream while meeting his responsibilities.

Charlie’s journey began by offering phone repair services from his home, initially for friends. As his skill set improved, so did his popularity. Word-of-mouth recommendations turned his friends into loyal customers, creating a buzz around Charlie’s exceptional phone-fixing abilities.

Eager to turn his passion into a legitimate business, Charlie delved into the intricacies of the phone repair industry. He learned about sourcing the necessary parts, staying updated on the latest phone models, and understanding market trends. His network expanded as he immersed himself in the ins and outs of the business.

Recognizing the need for a dedicated space, Charlie took the leap and secured a small office. This marked the first step towards legitimizing his venture. Undeterred by the demands of his full-time job and his role as a father, Charlie committed to working on his business every day—before and after work, often in the early morning hours.

Throughout this process, Charlie discovered the transformative pow r of momentum. Each repair, every satisfied customer, and each step taken towards his dream propelled him forward. The momentum he built became the driving force behind his success.

Charlie’s story is a testament to the importance of preparation and the unwavering determination to pursue one’s dreams. Despite the challenges of balancing multiple responsibilities, he embraced the power of momentum, leveraging each success to propel him towards his ultimate goal.

As you read Charlie’s journey, consider the untapped potential within your own aspirations. Are there dreams you’ve left untied, waiting to be pursued? Charlie’s story encourages us to prepare, take intentional steps, and embrace the momentum that can turn dreams into reality.

No hesitation, no untied shoes—Charlie’s journey exemplifies the transformative journey that unfolds when preparation meets unwavering determination. It’s a reminder that with dedication, even the most challenging dreams can be achieved, one repaired phone at a time.

Reflecting on 2023: Taking a moment to celebrate

As I pause to put words to this reflection, I admit that celebrating victories often slips through the cracks of our busy lives. The impulse to write this blog about the remarkable journey of 2023 flashed in my mind and, just as swiftly, vanished. Yet, here I am, grateful for the moment to capture it.

For those following my blogs, 2023 unfolded as a challenging yet profoundly transformative year. In the web of challenges, my faith and that of my wife deepened, marking a season of spiritual maturation spanning two decades of belief.

Amidst the trials, there are milestones that deserve a spotlight. Recording 52 episodes of my podcast stands out as a testament to the mindset and discipline that powered this accomplishment. Over the past 12 years as an entrepreneur, 2023 saw me creating more content than ever before – a feat that fills me with pride. Navigating new skill sets, particularly with limited eyesight, presented its own set of challenges, but the growth was undeniable.

Venturing into one-on-one coaching in entrepreneurship was a surprising turn of events. Beginning in December 2022, a year later, I find myself reflecting on the impactful journey with numerous clients. Their challenges became valuable lessons, guiding my own understanding of the intricate dynamics of business.

Personal victories also shine brightly. Maintaining a weight loss of 60 pounds, with a fluctuation between one to 10 pounds, is a testament to strengthened discipline in eating habits. Equally noteworthy is the joy of walking 3 to 5 miles a day, a testament to both physical and mental resilience.

However, the celebration extends beyond personal achievements. In the web of adversity, my wife and I discovered an unexpected strength, deepening our bond after 30 years together. This, perhaps, is the most profound victory of all.

Amidst the hustle and bustle, I invite you to join me in this moment of celebration. Our journeys are marathons, not sprints. Each step, each challenge, and each triumph contributes to the fabric of a life well-lived. May we find joy in acknowledging these moments, recognizing that in the ebb and flow of life, celebration is both a reward and a source of strength for the path ahead.

Created to Create: Embracing Purpose and Discipline

In the beginning, God created. Period. This simple yet profound statement lays the foundation for understanding our unique place in the world. We are created in the image of God, and as such, we are inherently creators. With the power to reason and the ability to grow, we hold the incredible capacity to shape our destinies.

Each of us is bestowed with unique gifts and talents. It is our responsibility to fulfill the purpose for which we were created. God designed us for community, emphasizing the importance of connection with others. The wisdom found in Proverbs speaks of loving discipline—a crucial element in our journey toward growth and purpose.

Discipline is the key to unlocking our potential. If we harbor the illusion that laziness can lead to positive change, we are deluding ourselves. God has given us everything we need, but we must be active participants in our journey. We make the plans, seek divine direction, and then diligently work towards our goals.

It’s essential to recognize that God won’t do the work for us. Adversity is an expected companion on the path to improvement, and how we respond to it defines our journey. Rather than avoiding adversity, confront it head-on. Push through challenges, for it is through adversity that endurance and resilience become our allies.

Prayer becomes a cornerstone in this process. Seeking wisdom through prayer is a powerful practice. Knowledge and understanding are prerequisites for true wisdom, and continuous learning from other entrepreneurs helps activate this wisdom.

Consider this a reminder that I am rooting for you. The purpose of these blogs is to encourage and empower you. Work diligently to become better, to fulfill your purpose, and in doing so, inspire others to embark on their own transformative journeys.

Remember, you are a creator—crafted in the image of the ultimate Creator. Embrace your unique gifts, incorporate discipline into your life, and trust that, with God’s guidance, you can navigate challenges, learn, grow, and fulfill your purpose. I believe in your journey, and I hope these words serve as a source of encouragement and motivation as you press on towards your goals.

Grace and Accountability in Personal Growth

In the journey of self-improvement, finding the delicate equilibrium between grace and accountability becomes pivotal. It’s a tightrope walk between rewarding ourselves appropriately and pushing our limits.

Accountability serves as our compass, guiding us to challenge the status quo and elevate our capabilities. Honest self-reflection becomes the brave mirror reflecting where we fall short, urging us to reach beyond our comfort zones.

Yet, in this pursuit, grace becomes the nurturing companion. It cushions the falls, reminding us that it’s okay not to crush every goal immediately. Acknowledging imperfections fosters a healthier mindset, preventing us from being too harsh on ourselves.

To consistently evolve, we must be honest with ourselves. The courage to face our shortcomings enables continuous growth, while self-encouragement becomes the fuel that propels us forward. It’s this delicate dance between acknowledging our limits and embracing our potential that propels us toward sustainable personal development.

So, as you navigate your path of growth, remember to extend both grace and accountability to yourself—a harmonious blend that cultivates resilience, perseverance, and an unwavering commitment to becoming the best version of yourself.

Elevating Your Mindset through Success Narratives

Embarking on the path of personal growth, it’s invigorating to draw inspiration from the success stories of those who have overcome diverse challenges. Celebrating these triumphs serves as a profound reminder that success often stems from resilience in the face of adversity.

In exploring various success narratives, we encounter individuals who have navigated financial hardships, societal barriers, and personal setbacks. Their journeys become a source of motivation, illustrating that the road to success is rarely linear but a dynamic process of continuous growth.

Crucially, what unites these success stories is the ongoing commitment to elevate their mindset. Success is not a static state but an ever-evolving journey that demands constant personal development. Even those who have reached pinnacles of achievement understand the necessity of refining their mindset to conquer new challenges.

As we immerse ourselves in the lessons gleaned from these achievements, it becomes evident that celebrating success is not just about the destination but the mindset cultivated along the way. The narratives of triumph remind us that in our pursuit of greatness, we must embrace challenges, continuously elevate our mindset, and find inspiration in the success stories that pave the way.

Because, in the end, as we overcome obstacles and achieve our goals, we aspire not just for personal triumph but to embrace the mindset that propels us forward on our unique journeys toward success.

So keep reading, and keep learning so that your story can be someone else’s inspiration.