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Who Cares?

Sep 17, 2023

Anything that you set out to do, you have to do it for yourself first. You might have a few people cheering you on. That’s good, but don’t expect that. Focus on mindset. Then, focus on discipline. Finally, let discipline become your habit.

Why did I called this blog, “Who cares” ? Most of the time we get applauded after we accomplish something that most people think you can’t do. This is why it is very important to be OK with you and only you caring and not no one else. Nobody cares that you were up late working hard. Then, getting up early in the morning. That you’re  working hard month after month and year after year. Most people only see the mountain tops. They don’t see the climb. The climb is for you and no one else.

There are many benefits that come from success stories. Yet, no one may be around cheering you on while you were going through the valleys. It will be people in your future that will pay you to help them navigate through the same valleys. You must  stay focused on your goals, and you must stay diligent. You have to persevere through adversity. Because, adversity will show up when you try to become a better version of yourself. In conclusion, do it for you no one else and be content with that.