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Work Ethic and Faith

Sep 3, 2024

It took me quite a while to truly understand my gifting. Just when I thought I had a grip on it, God would pivot me in a new direction. I realized that we often don’t fully know what we’re capable of until we step out in faith and start doing something—at least what we believe God has gifted us to do. Once we grasp that, the next step is to take our gift and submit it to Him, working diligently and with purpose.

I didn’t always have this perspective. There were times in my life when I was, to be honest, quite lazy. Reflecting on those periods, it’s somewhat disgraceful. I always had a knack for making money, but it wasn’t always in the most ethical ways. For many years, I was content to coast through life, taking the easy route. I even spent an entire year shooting dice to pay the rent and make ends meet. Some might say there’s nothing wrong with that, but in my humble opinion, it’s not honorable to God and certainly not living up to the potential He created me for.

Life is short and unpredictable, so our work ethic is crucial. It’s not just about what we do, but how we do it—the effort and excellence we bring to whatever we put our hands to. We have many examples in our culture that we can draw inspiration from. For me, as a young adult, it was Tupac.

Tupac Shakur’s work ethic was nothing short of legendary. He was incredibly prolific, often recording multiple songs in a single day. His approach to music was intense and focused—many of his songs were done in just one take, reflecting his dedication to getting the work done efficiently and effectively. He was consistently writing, constantly creating, and never wasting a moment when it came to his craft. His relentless commitment to his work is something that deeply inspired me.

I personally love music and always wanted to be an artist, so it was easy for me to draw inspiration from Tupac’s life and try to replicate his work ethic. Before I became a follower of Christ, this was my go-to model for how to hustle and grind. I didn’t yet understand the work ethic that the Lord requires of His followers, but I knew that I had no excuse. We can pull inspiration for work ethic from anywhere and apply it to our lives.

Now, I want to be known for many things, but most importantly, I want to be known for my work ethic and for the fact that I worked as unto the Lord throughout my lifetime. Tupac taught me the importance of pouring everything you have into your work, but it’s my faith that has shown me why that matters so much.

God Bless the Entrepreneur.