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We Can Do Nothing With Empty Hands

Aug 7, 2024

Entrepreneurship is more than just a career choice; it is a privilege, a calling, and a duty. It demands our utmost dedication and passion. I believe with all my heart that being an entrepreneur requires diligence, a keen thought process, and an unwavering commitment to innovation. Entrepreneurs must be risk-takers, go-getters, and innovators, constantly submitting their plans and wills to God.

The Bible says, “He who gives to the poor lends to God.” This speaks volumes about the responsibility we have as entrepreneurs. With empty hands, we cannot help others. We must fill our hands with hard work, creativity, and purpose so that we can be giving, reaching out to other people who are made in the image of God.

As we submit our will to God and allow Him to direct our steps, our desires align with His. This alignment transforms our dreams and goals into God-given missions. But this requires more than just prayer; it requires action. Laziness has no place in entrepreneurship. We must be diligent, trust the process, and push through adversity.

Adversity shapes us. It molds us into the person capable of achieving the dreams God has placed in our hearts. Without becoming the person we are meant to be, we cannot build true wealth. Wealth is not just financial; it’s the ability to create, give, and inspire.

To sum it up, we must become who we are supposed to be to build the wealth we are meant to have. Empty hands can do nothing. Fill them with purpose, diligence, and trust in God’s plan, and you will be able to give and build a legacy.

God Bless The Entrepreneur.