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Sep 12, 2024

I know for a fact that I sleepwalked through life, especially when it came to money and eating. Many of the things we do are simply habits formed in our upbringing. If we don’t actively change those patterns, they become ingrained in us, shaping our lives permanently. My mom used to cook Sunday dinners every day and Thanksgiving feasts on Sundays. If you’ve read my blogs or listened to my podcast, you’ve probably heard me mention this before. The problem was, even though I remained athletic, I wasn’t truly healthy.

I’ve always been the type to go all-in when I find something I like. Lately, it’s been these gluten-free chips with amazing calorie counts, dipped in red pepper hummus. Innocent, right? The only issue is that I was eating those chips and hummus every single day. I had to put myself on a routine—something I could stick to daily. I tried to eat 5 to 7 ounces of protein with 2 to 3 cups of veggies three times a day if possible, but at least twice a day. I also aim to eat fruit or smoothies throughout the day and walk three miles daily. It’s one of those things that’s simple to do but just as simple not to do.

Now, let’s talk about money. With money at our disposal, it’s easy to buy whatever catches our eye, whether it’s ordering from Amazon or throwing something into our shopping cart without a second thought. We tell ourselves, “I like it, I want it,” and before we know it, five years have passed, and all that unnecessary spending could have been invested in savings, the stock market, or even into a business.

The inspiration for this blog came from The Compound Effect. I love this book because it’s packed with wisdom, but the first time I attempted to read it, I had to put it down because it challenged me so much. I don’t want you to go through life unconscious like I did for so many years. Honestly, I’m fed up.

I’ve started my journey, and I want to encourage you to start yours. Right now, I’m sitting in a park in downtown Los Angeles, California, eating juicy cantaloupe chunks, and finishing this message to you.

God Bless The Entrepreneur