I’m okay with being overlooked. That’s temporary.
I was watching YouTube with my wife, and a girl she follows said something that really caught my attention. She talked about how she wasn’t getting brand deals at one point, but she kept creating content anyway, even when the money wasn’t coming in. She shared that she would put out great content for free because she knew it was what she was meant to do.
That statement hit me hard. It reminded me of Myron Golden and how he emphasizes the importance of community content, especially when you’re building a business. Bringing value to the marketplace is essential, no matter your niche. And often, at the beginning, you’re giving that value away for free. But that’s not a bad thing—it shows you’re worthy of speaking on the topic and builds credibility in your space.
Now, I’m not saying this arrogantly, but there’s truth in the line from a rapper: “They didn’t listen when I was telling them for free, now they pay a fee.”
Sometimes people won’t see your value right away. That’s okay. Keep showing up, keep providing value, and eventually, they’ll see it. Yes, it can be discouraging when you’re in the building phase. But keep your eyes on the long-term goal. Commit to putting out amazing content for a year and improving as you go. When that year is up, evaluate where you are, then keep going for another year.
If you haven’t started, get started. If you’re already on the journey, keep going.
God Bless The Entrepreneur