Do you ever get that feeling that something in your life needs to change immediately? Your career, your finances—maybe even something you can’t quite put into words. I often find myself reflecting on moments in life that tip us in a new direction. The truth is, sometimes the scale can tip us in the wrong direction, but today we’re focusing on the positive. If you haven’t experienced it yet, I promise, if you live long enough, you will.
A tipping scale for me that pushed me closer to God came through a serious series of events. I was around shootings—not directly involved, but close enough to be impacted. These experiences can traumatize you fairly quickly. I can recall two separate shootings that happened within two weeks. My car was even shot up with me and my son inside. I could go on, but you get the picture. I know God used these events to push me closer to Him because the truth is, I could’ve died in any of them.
Another tipping scale for me, especially when it came to finances, was when my family and I had to stay at my grandma’s house. During that time, I got a good job with decent pay, but my focus was on budgeting so I’d never end up in that position again. I remember stacking money, buying everything we’d need for a new home in cash, and storing it in the garage. When we finally moved, I made sure wherever we chose to live, it would be affordable alongside all the other expenses we had to manage.
I’ve experienced many tipping scales in business, but the one that stands out today was when we were at the Remax building. We had a lot of offices, and I could’ve stayed there, but it just didn’t make sense—organizationally or financially. I needed one roof, a space we could call our own, something that was unapologetically ours. The process of going from room to room to remember where everything was got old quick. I started searching for new buildings, and when I found the right one, I knew. Making that move was one of the best feelings in the world.
Your tipping scale might not look like mine. It might not be as dramatic. It could be so small that you almost miss it. But pay attention. Don’t overlook the tipping scales in your life. When they tip in the right direction, they can change your life and give you the momentum you need to reach your goals.
God Bless The Entrepreneur.