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The Slight Edge

Jan 25, 2023

Olson helped revolutionized my thinking. My dad was always challenging me to think. He introduced me to this book many years ago in hopes that I would apply the principles. 

Let’s talk about the heart of the slight edge through my eyes. I love creating content and I know the more content you have, the better chance there is for someone to see what you do. That’s just the world we live in, and I was ready to adapt, create, and excel. 

I knew that I couldn’t afford a budget like the big boys but I COULD outwork them. I knew that I could produce more content with the right systems. So, I started recruiting models, photographers, and videographers. I knew if I could do content week in and week out that it would give me the slight edge 

We did photoshoot after photoshoot until we had enough content to post a different video everyday for six months and enough pictures to show for years. 

The compound effect of this principle is life changing. I am working on adding this amazing principle to more areas of my life. I recently started writing more blogs and recording more organic content for social media. My hope is that you would do the same.