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The Real Sin is Not Trying

Jul 25, 2024

If you took a risk and lost on the business investment, congratulations, you found out what not to do. However, don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. Extract all of the lessons, then go back at it again and again and again.

It’s amazing that we expect our children to walk after a while and we also expect for them to fail repeatedly as they are trying to learn. We can learn a lot from children because we also see the same thing when they are tying their shoes. Be honest, we all become masters at those two things—we don’t think about walking and we don’t think about tying shoes anymore. If we are honest, we probably don’t even remember that we did it this morning. The same goes for any skill set that you are trying to learn, and the same goes for business. You don’t understand business when you get started, and honestly, it’s a journey. You will make a lot of mistakes, but mistakes just show you how not to do it until you find the way to do it. We cannot let fear stop us from trying. I always commend people who try, fail, and then try again.

God gave us a powerful gift when He gave us imagination because imagination allows us to dream. We all have things we desire to do. The real sin is not trying. So I just want to encourage you that when you do fail—because you will, as that is normal—get up again and again until mastery takes place. There are blessings beyond belief on the other side of mastery.