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The Price of True Riches: Prioritizing God in Life’s Marathon

Jul 15, 2024

In the various facets of my journey – be it through podcasts, blogs, social media, books, or speaking engagements – you might have gleaned that my eyes pose a challenge. Consequently, I’ve shifted to absorbing the Bible through audio, a practice I’ve found enriching. Listening to Scripture as I drift into sleep allows my mind to absorb its wisdom consciously, while my subconscious continues the journey through the night.

Recently, a phrase echoed in my waking moments, revealing a profound truth: “Rich towards God.” This simple yet weighty expression resonated deeply, prompting reflection on the evolution of my spiritual wealth. While I believe I’m now more “rich towards God” than ever, it wasn’t always the case, and I acknowledge it might not be for everyone at this moment.

In a world fixated on success, there exists an undeniable need to get the order of priorities right. This blog asserts that the foremost order is God first. Yet, acknowledging God’s priority is easier said than done. It necessitates time, dedication, and a commitment to building a genuine relationship with the invisible yet omnipresent force that guides our lives.

God desires more than mere credit for our blessings; He seeks a relationship. Being “rich towards God,” as mentioned in Luke 12:21, entails prioritizing spiritual and moral values over material wealth. It advocates for investing in relationships with God and others, fostering a mindset of generosity and compassion that transcends worldly possessions.

While ambition and goal-setting are commendable, their significance diminishes if pursued in the wrong order. This teaching underscores the marathon nature of our spiritual journey, urging us not to rush through the Bible but to dwell, question, and sit with the scriptures. God desires to lead our lives as a good father, a caring shepherd.

So, what does it mean to be rich towards God? It means making God a priority, investing time, affection, and all that is within us. It might cost us something, but in the grand tapestry of life, the true richness lies in being deeply connected with the divine, making it a priority that outweighs all else.