The Power of Voice Memos: A Tool for Entrepreneurs to Build Faith and Focus
Have you ever heard the phrase, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he”? Thinking is foundational. Positive thinking, in particular, becomes a breeding ground for faith and hope. But there’s something even more powerful than thinking hearing. Hearing your own thoughts, your own goals, spoken out loud.
As entrepreneurs, we sometimes find ourselves in seasons of planning where we don’t have anyone to share those plans with. Maybe you haven’t yet built a community of like-minded individuals who share your vision, your drive, or your way of thinking. And that’s okay hese connections take time.
Even when you have a strong circle, they might not always be available. Some of my closest friends, who are thriving in their own businesses, are often busy. Even my wife, who is my greatest supporter, can’t always lend an ear when I need to get my thoughts out. That’s where my iPhone Voice Memos come in.
Voice Memos have been a lifesaver for me. They allow me to record my thoughts and hear them out loud. Just the other day, I recorded one of my longest memos yet—20 minutes of unfiltered ideas and goals that had been swirling in my mind. I needed to let it flow, and hearing it back gave me clarity and focus.
In fact, I plan to schedule time this week just to listen to it again. Because the more I hear it, the more I build my faith. The more I build my faith, the more I keep going.
The entrepreneurial journey can feel lonely at times. But you first have to believe in your vision. You have to own it. Confidence is key—confidence that what you’re building will come to pass. And above all, submit your plans to God, and trust that He will bless the work of your hands.
Be encouraged. The grind may be lonely, but your vision is worth it.
God Bless The Entrepreneur.