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The Hidden Ingredient

Sep 10, 2024

Have you noticed how some people excel at what they do? They didn’t get there overnight; they put a discipline in place that is usually never seen. The type of discipline most people don’t talk about.

I knew content was a necessary part of my journey as an entrepreneur. I wouldn’t say that I’m naturally good at it, but I am putting the discipline in place. I take notes on my phone and develop complete thoughts, then go back and listen to them repeatedly. I do this consistently before I actually record. By the time I start talking into the camera, I’ve thoroughly thought it through and am ready to go. After recording, I immediately begin editing and add necessary inserts. Once that’s done, I put the titles on my calendar and upload daily to various social media platforms. I don’t use a scheduler right now because I want to experiment with different titles and captions. I need to understand each platform better before I eventually use a content schedule and delegate the task. But right now, this discipline is a crucial part of the process.

I became more efficient once I brought on a social media strategist. It took discipline to show up to the meetings and to implement the strategies I was taught. I realized that we don’t know what we don’t know, so I took that discipline and turned it into action. One thing about discipline is that over time, you will see the results. I watch the numbers go up—sometimes in a big way and sometimes just slightly. When something is doing well, I pour more into it. The process requires patience.

Are you ready to put in the discipline needed to achieve your goals?

God Bless The Entrepreneur.