It is not an easy task to take something from concept to conception. To dream about it, imagine it, and then actually put the wheels in motion. It takes grit, it takes grind. Now, imagine you’re still working your 9 to 5, taking care of your child, trying to provide the best way you can, while feeling that nudge, that overwhelming call to create something amazing. Not just a good idea—a great idea. Not only does the food taste good, but it’s healthy for you.
When I think about Nickole from Lush Vegan, that’s exactly what I see. Someone getting it out of the mud, putting in the work to build her skill set, refine her communication, and craft her brand story. It’s no easy task to be in corporate America while creating your own fine dining vegan restaurants in a metropolitan city, but that’s exactly what she is doing. When you’re the first to do something, and you didn’t come from generational wealth, using your own money and finding creative ways to make it happen—that’s a lot of pressure. Sometimes, you ask yourself, “Is it worth it?” Then you realize, if you don’t do this, the vision that God gave you won’t come to pass.
Nickole is attempting something big, but she can look at other strong women who didn’t have much and still did something phenomenal. Oprah Winfrey grew up in poverty, but she became a media mogul and the first Black woman billionaire through sheer determination. She didn’t have wealth handed down to her, but she created a legacy of her own. Similarly, Sara Blakely, founder of Spanx, started with just $5,000 of her own money and a great idea. She pushed through every obstacle to build a billion-dollar empire, proving that it’s possible to create something revolutionary without generational backing.
I’ve seen Nickole grow tremendously over the years I’ve known her, and I can’t wait to look back five years from now and see how her empire has grown. I see fine dining vegan restaurants in New York, Chicago, Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, and Los Angeles. I see frozen goods in stores across the nation—and that’s just the beginning. Nickole is already on her journey, and she’s already making her mark.
If you’re reading this, take note of the two women I mentioned, but also keep your eyes on Nickole. She’s in the midst of her journey, making it happen in real time. Keep going. Dreams are attainable, but remember, they take before they give. You are worthy to possess the dream that God gave you.
God Bless The Entrepreneur