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The Common Touch

Sep 18, 2024

I am an entrepreneur, but I’m a believer first. I really love saying that. It’s my segue into my content when I talk about God. Since I’m not always sure if people find me through my entrepreneurship or my faith, I like to use that segue to let you know I’m about to delve into something about God.

The concept of humility always stood out to me when I would read Proverbs, and once I saw it there, I started seeing it all over the Bible. Humility should begin with our relationship with God—loving Him, respecting Him, and serving Him for who He is. God detests pride because He is the epitome of humility.

My dad used to make me recite the poem “If” by Rudyard Kipling. Honestly, I used to hate memorizing and reciting things—it really got on my nerves. But now, I appreciate those things he made me do that I didn’t care for back then. One particular verse from the poem resonates with me deeply, especially when I walk around Los Angeles and have conversations with the homeless:

“If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch, If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, If all men count with you, but none too much…”

When I see the homeless and engage in conversation with them, it reminds me of that line, “walk with Kings but still have the common touch.” I have friends who are millionaires, and our conversations about business and future planning are invaluable. I believe you should have those kinds of relationships in your life. But it’s equally important to be able to communicate with someone who has less than us and treat them with the same respect and kindness. They are real people, with real stories, and real struggles.

This was on my heart today: Walk with kings, but keep the common touch. I want to leave you with one more thing—if you’ve been blessed and you’re reading this, remember this proverb: “He who gives to the poor lends to the Lord.” That is so powerful because, at the end of the day, we can’t really repay God if we belong to Him. Never lose the common touch.

God Bless The Entrepreneur.