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That Boy Called Me Studious

Aug 16, 2024

I guess I’m studious. What is funny is I didn’t even know what the word actually meant. Everything that the definition of studious is, is what I do every single day. If I’m honest, I had to look up what it means. This is what studious means:

Studious: displaying a passionate commitment to learning and the pursuit of knowledge through diligence, attentiveness, and perseverance.

All I know is diligence, never giving up, and keep going. I am diligent because the word of God tells me to be diligent. It also tells me that not only is laziness a sin, but laziness leads to poverty. I know that because I used to be very lazy, and when I was lazy, I didn’t make any money. Why? Because lazy people do not make money.

I’m consistent every single day, or at least I try to be. Sometimes I have to give myself grace because I am very hard on myself when I don’t do the things that I put on my calendar. I plan. Honestly, I try to learn every single day. I try to be a student as much as possible because I feel like I’m always teaching, and if you are always teaching, then you need to be learning more, or you’re going to run out. You cease to have things to offer, and not only do I want to keep offering good information, but I also want the information for myself and my brands.

I have a love for learning now, so much so that it’s on my calendar every single day. So I guess I am studious, and now that I know in detail what the word means, I can use it. Now I can identify someone else or encourage people to become studious. I actually love when I come across new words that describe what I was already doing.

You know what, I’m not ashamed to say I didn’t know what it meant. However, I do now, and it’s added to my entourage of knowledge. Now I can encourage people to be studious. I wrote this blog because I thought it was funny that he called me that, and I had to go look it up. I didn’t want to assume, although I had a good idea based on our conversation.

I try not to take myself too seriously. I love to laugh and, like my grandma used to say, this tickled me. Lol. Keep learning and keep going.

God Bless The Entrepreneur