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Ten Thousand Dollars Cost Me 500k

Jul 27, 2024

I made so many mistakes as an entrepreneur that I feel obligated to share my lessons, both the good and the bad. It baffles me to think that in the end, what I needed was a coach. To make it worse, I wasn’t reading about other entrepreneurs, so I missed opportunities to learn. Learning is essential on this entrepreneurial journey. I’ve become a coach so that I can help others get past many of the pain points I have experienced. I tell stories like these so that people don’t miss the opportunities that I missed. This was a very great day, and I was so proud of that day and so proud of my team, but it was afterwards that I considered what it cost me. It doesn’t have to apply the lesson.

So, is it possible to make $10,000 in a day yet lose $500,000? 🧐 If somebody had told me that, I’d be like, “Boy, you crazy. Boy, you lying. Ain’t no way you can make $10,000 in a day and lose $500,000.” Why? Because the math is not mathing, but actually it is. I made $10,000 in a day at an event, but I did not get anyone’s information. I was so happy that the sales were rolling in. Do you know how much that Shopify register had to go off for you to make $10,000 in a day? That thing was like, ding, ding, ding, ding, going crazy. But I wasn’t future-proofing and thinking that this could be a lifetime customer that I could take on a journey. Those $10,000 worth of sales cost me $500,000 because I did not capture the client information.

Situations like these are why I started my podcast and The Ground Up Academy. You know the old saying, a wise person learns from their mistakes. A wiser person learns from others’ mistakes.