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Tag: Mindset

Be Faithful

When I got to a point in my life and was able to see my potential, I did not want to squander it. I knew I had gifts in me, and I knew I was capable of becoming more than what I was. It’s not that what I was so bad, but it’s that I had more in me to offer.

When I became a believer, I saw in the gospels that we were all entrusted with gifts. The amazing thing about gifts is that they all differ ultimately for the body of Christ. 

God was basically saying, “Go in the world and be fruitful with your gifts.” There will be a time that God will require an account of what we did with what He has given us. The more fruitful we are, the more He gives us so that we can bear more fruit. However, if we neglect or hide that gift, there will be consequences.

The passage of the talents always intrigues me. Jesus calls the one who hid his talent a wicked servant and He took the talent away and gave it to the others that bore fruit. That amazed me. There was one other thing more than anything that was key. What we do now will affect what we do in the future to come. 

Don’t squander what God has entrusted you with. I want to leave you with two words today: be faithful!


Mindset is Key

There were times that I took road trips to an event, having twenty dollars on my bank card and no where to stay. I would swipe my card for a dollar to fill up the tank, to get me there because I knew I had a few days to get that money in the account before the balance came out. I cannot lie, doing this made me feel in a way, like a failure. I had to remind myself of the things God put in my heart and stay faithful to the vision.  

The truth was that I had enough money to pay the vendor fee for the event and to print the tees. I knew if I could just get there; that we had a great product and people would love them. As the owner, I felt I had to be the one talking to them, so I could explain the meaning behind each tee. I believed that if I could get it to the people who I came in contact with, they would help get it to the rest of the world. 

My faith and mindset was and is big and my actions showed it. You have to have the will power to push past your circumstances no matter what it looks like. There will be times that you have to risk it all to see the vision come to past. 


Focus on the wins

If you own a business then that is a privilege, I would even say a honor.  If you are a owner then you know that it comes with its challenges and sometimes you win and sometimes you don’t. 

I go out to events probably every weekend. We have been in business for a while so we are pretty established. I can go to a conference and sell a 1,000 tees one day and then turn around and sell ten tees at the next.  I used to look at it as a failure and I would be so disappointed when that happened but I had to start looking at things differently. I mean, if I’m honest there were times when we went places and never sold anything. 

When you start viewing the journey differently then you develop the “lemons to lemonade” effect. I started printing cards with promo codes for first time visitors to the site and I used those cards to engage people differently. My hope was if they never heard of us before, they would seen our presentation, they felt our tees and they took home a card with them. I don’t just win sometimes with this approach, I win all the time. Winning is a mindset. 
