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Tag: Faithful

Be Faithful

When I got to a point in my life and was able to see my potential, I did not want to squander it. I knew I had gifts in me, and I knew I was capable of becoming more than what I was. It’s not that what I was so bad, but it’s that I had more in me to offer.

When I became a believer, I saw in the gospels that we were all entrusted with gifts. The amazing thing about gifts is that they all differ ultimately for the body of Christ. 

God was basically saying, “Go in the world and be fruitful with your gifts.” There will be a time that God will require an account of what we did with what He has given us. The more fruitful we are, the more He gives us so that we can bear more fruit. However, if we neglect or hide that gift, there will be consequences.

The passage of the talents always intrigues me. Jesus calls the one who hid his talent a wicked servant and He took the talent away and gave it to the others that bore fruit. That amazed me. There was one other thing more than anything that was key. What we do now will affect what we do in the future to come. 

Don’t squander what God has entrusted you with. I want to leave you with two words today: be faithful!
