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Right People in the Right Places

Jun 24, 2024

In the dynamic world of business, the phrase “Aces in Their Places” holds the key to unlocking success. Drawing from my experiences managing restaurants like CHECKERS and rallies drive-in, I discovered the profound impact of aligning individuals with their strengths in the workplace. This principle became a cornerstone for both my managerial success and later, as I ventured into entrepreneurship.

The Restaurant Success Story
As a restaurant manager, I quickly grasped the significance of having the right team members in the right roles. Graded by both the owner and corporate, a successful year showcased the power of this principle. The harmony of a well-organized team, each member excelling in their designated tasks, resulted in outstanding sales and recognition.

Transition to Entrepreneurship
Applying the same principle to my business, I aimed to assemble a team tailored to their strengths. While we achieved considerable success, there were pitfalls. This blog delves into the lessons learned, emphasizing the crucial role of specific professionals beyond the operational team.

Key Players in Business
Starting a business requires more than just a skilled workforce. Beyond social media teams and operational staff, securing a trademark attorney, business attorney, CPA, and strategic planners becomes paramount. This section explores the necessity of these roles through real-life experiences.

The Taxing Mistake
Sharing a personal setback, I reveal the cost of not having the right CPA in place. A substantial $85,000 in old taxes became a costly lesson, and I highlight the potential consequences for entrepreneurs who overlook this crucial role.

Safeguarding Your Brand
The narrative unfolds with cautionary tales of entrepreneurs losing their hard-built brands due to a lack of trademark protection. Insightful stories underscore the importance of learning from the mistakes of others.

Aspiring entrepreneurs, heed the lessons shared in this blog. Learn from both successes and failures, prioritize assembling the right team, and recognize the indispensable roles of professionals beyond your operational staff. May this guide you toward a path of prosperity, growth, and inspiration for others in the entrepreneurial journey.