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Out of The Shadows

Sep 19, 2024

I used to say that God called us to a specific thing. There’s nothing inherently wrong with that language, but I’ve come to realize that God has called us to Himself. He’s bestowed on us gifts and talents that we are meant to use for His kingdom, to impact the world for Him.

This is why it’s difficult for me to talk about business without mentioning God. I often say that God gives us the power to get wealth, that He blesses the work of our hands. So how much credit can we truly take if this is the case? The best thing we can do is submit our plans to God.

He called us to be light. I used to find that scripture almost sarcastic—when He says, “Do you put a lamp under the nightstand?” Of course not! It’s absurd to hide a light where it can’t serve its purpose. That brings me to my point: if He called us to be light, why are we still in the shadows?

There are a few things we need to consider every day. We don’t know how much time we have, and we know that death is certain. Therefore, everything in between matters. Once we understand these truths, we must be intentional about being light in the world through our gifts.

People often say that each person is unique. If that’s true—and I believe it is—then you must hold onto that truth with all your heart. If you don’t, you might miss what God wants to do through you.

Darkness, by definition, is the absence of light. If God has called you to Himself and equipped you with gifts, then why are you still in the shadows?

God Bless The Entrepreneur.