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obey God

Sep 9, 2024

Obedience to God is about living by the teachings, commandments, and guidance from the spirit of God.

Before we dive in, let’s clarify obedience. I created a shirt that says “obey God” . It is a daily call to action. This saying is a reminder that following God isn’t always easy, but it’s worth it. We, as humans, live in time, but God exists in eternity, seeing the big picture.

As King Solomon wisely said, “Commit your ways to the Lord, and he will guide you.” Almost every day, I find myself giving my plans to God. I can be ambitious, but remembering God is the boss of my life lets Him guide me where I need to be.

Relying on God, our good Shepherd, leads to amazing outcomes. Doing His perfect will brings joy, and the journey of obedience is like sowing seeds—you reap what you sow. The harvest is ours just by being obedient and following His Word.

Think about Abraham’s journey, leaving his home without knowing where he was going. My move to Los Angeles had its tough moments, but comparing it to Abraham’s faith journey is humbling. He set a high standard as the father of our faith.

Staying close to God is crucial. Picture it like this: Jesus is the vine, God the Father is the caretaker, and we are the branches. Being connected to the vine brings fruitfulness. Let’s submit to God’s plan, bearing fruit that impacts others.

Commit to the journey of obedience. Trust that by giving your life to God, you become a force for good—a positive influence on the world around you.