I’ll be honest: my passion for entrepreneurship is at a 13 on a scale of 1 to 10. I can be intense when talking about it. Even when I was at my lowest, when people said I needed to get a job, I was thinking to myself, “What I’m working on will produce more in two hours than what most college graduates with a master’s degree make in a month.” I know it looks crazy; heck, it might even look stupid. But in my heart, I know it will work. I’ve seen it work before. After dedicating over 20 years to working for someone else while raising my kids, I believe entrepreneurship is something God-given. It’s tough, and it’s not for the faint of heart.
You’ve heard me say this many times, whether in my blogs or on social media: you really have to push through adversity. Not everyone can handle that, and it doesn’t mean they are failures. It just means they have to be open to enduring the tough times that will come their way.
Listen, I’m the person who will tell you: if you really want this, keep your job and be faithful at it. But if you have a family, when the kids go to bed, you better dedicate four hours every day while they’re sleeping. Sacrifice that sleep so you can work on your business. I share this because when the opportunity for entrepreneurship arises, depending on what you do, you might be giving your job 8 to 12 hours each day. You need to create a rhythm that allows you to transition seamlessly into that role. Use that time wisely to build your business.
Some people dive in headfirst—I know because I did. At the time, my business was only making about $250 a month. Crazy, maybe, but it worked for me. However, I suggest having at least six months to a year’s worth of savings if possible. It takes time to get things going. But once you get it rolling and build that machine, you can accomplish something amazing.
It’s been over a decade for me, and honestly, I’m okay with being misunderstood. I don’t really care what people think about my passion because I don’t just talk about it—I live it. For me, this isn’t just a job; it’s what I love to do, and money is just a byproduct of my passion. I wrote this for those who may be pursuing entrepreneurship and feel unsupported by those around them. I’m cheering for you, along with other entrepreneurs around the world, letting you know that you can do this. If it’s burning in your heart, you need to pursue it.
You’ve heard me say it before, and I’ll say it again: entrepreneurs are the backbone of society. We are the go-getters, the innovators, and the risk-takers.
God Bless The Entrepreneur