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Million Dollar Baby

Aug 30, 2024

Are you sitting on a million-dollar idea? I’m sure you are. Most people don’t struggle with ideas or dreams; they struggle with believing in themselves. It’s not the lack of creativity that holds us back—it’s the lack of confidence. But I’m here to tell you, you can do it. If God gave you that dream, then that dream is worthy of being lived out.

I don’t like to focus solely on the money aspect of our ideas because I believe they’re far greater than that. But let’s not overlook the fact that great ideas often carry a wealth aspect within them. The challenge is not in the dream itself but in our belief that we can bring it to life.

It’s easy to get distracted by looking at what’s happening in the marketplace, comparing ourselves to others. But when we do that, we lose sight of the uniqueness that God has placed within us. We’ve all heard it before, but don’t skip past the truth of it: you are uniquely equipped for the dream inside of you.

Believe in everything God has given you to do. He has endowed you with the capacity to live out that dream; now, it’s up to you to push it into the world. If you’ve followed my blogs, you know I’ll always tell you to submit that dream back to God and let Him direct your steps. Plant the seed, water it, and be patient, because the harvest will come.

After reading this, there’s no reason for that million-dollar baby to stay locked inside your mind. It’s time to nurture it, believe in it, and let it grow.

God Bless The Entrepreneur.