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Learn or Die

Aug 1, 2024

Yes, I said learn or die. It’s really that crucial when it comes to learning every day to be a better entrepreneur. The goal is to be a better version of yourself. Also, the more you learn, the more you can share. I learned this lesson the hard way as an entrepreneur because I ran out of steam. I ran out of gas, and the car was sputtering. Seriously, I got to a point where I felt like I had nothing left, but let me tell you where this mentality came from.

When I was younger, I was a young hustler. Although I was working, I hustled on the side. I learned two valuable things during this time. As a restaurant manager, I learned systems, how to deal with people, the cost of sales, and basically how to run a business. I learned similar lessons while hustling, but I also picked up skills in negotiation and dealing with people outside of the restaurant business.

These skill sets changed my life forever. When it was time to become an entrepreneur, I was ready. Everything I had learned served me well, and I was able to create businesses from the ground up, with almost all of them generating six figures or more. I thought that was pretty amazing considering I had no formal education beyond my GED. Everything changed for me when I started reading every single day. My calendar says “Grow: YouTube plus Audible.” That’s how it is on my calendar every single day. I learn something every day so that my mindset is always growing. I would rather be further in my knowledge and let what I’m doing catch up to that, than to be where I was before—reaching a point and not having the mindset to take it to another level.

Let me tell you how important it is: An entrepreneur not learning every day is the equivalent of not breathing every day. It’s absolutely necessary. Don’t let a day go by without learning, growing, and evolving.

God Bless The Entrepreneur.