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Know Your Bandwith

Aug 15, 2024

When I became an entrepreneur, I wanted to do everything, especially when I started making a little bit of money. Every thought and idea that came to my head, I was turning it into some kind of business. However, I didn’t understand my bandwidth, and I was burning myself out because I was giving too much of myself in so many areas. Also, if I’m super transparent, just like I put in my book God Bless The Entrepreneur: The First Decade, I never really gave 100% to one thing.

You know when you start doing something, and it makes six figures, and you never made six figures working a job? Then it does upper six figures, and you figure, “I could do anything.” But I believe that the true magic lies in being able to do one thing very well, making the most money you can, and then dumping some of those finances into new ventures. If I haven’t said it before in my blogs, I’ll say it now: every business needs to be built from the ground up, and it also needs to be built around the community. I’ll save more of that to talk about in another blog.

In this season, my main focus is The Ground Up Academy, which is part of the God Bless The Entrepreneur brand. The God Bless The Entrepreneur brand consists of podcasts, schools, and speaking engagements. It’s basically everything that teaches, encourages, and embraces the journey of entrepreneurship. So I don’t have the bandwidth to do 100 things that might give me income. If I don’t fully go in on what’s in front of my face, then I don’t know what I can truly build it to if I don’t give it my focus.

You have to understand the concept of bandwidth and what it means. Once you go out of your bandwidth, everything starts to slow down. You want your bandwidth to be strong. So if you’re reading this, find one thing that you can go extremely hard at and be the best that you can be in it. I would like to give one caveat: this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t have other things ready to go or thoughts written down for your next big thing. This just means focusing so that you can have the strongest bandwidth possible for what you are doing.

God Bless The Entrepreneur