He formed you in your mother’s womb. Hold up—wait, what? So often we breeze over scripture without grasping the full weight it carries. We hear things like, “no one has the same DNA or fingerprints as us,” and while we know it’s true, we tend to treat it as something ordinary instead of seeing the miracle in it. God took the time to uniquely shape who you are, what you’re meant to do, and He placed purpose in your heart and gave you His Spirit. Don’t skim over that truth—it’s powerful. Take a moment to really think about it.
I remember watching Arie as she navigated the early years of school. She would often tell me about her friends, their popularity, and how sometimes she wondered if she needed to be more like them to get the same attention. It hit me that this mindset of comparison starts early. The other day, we had a conversation where she mentioned a friend who wanted to become a lawyer and then a judge. I thought, “Wow, that’s admirable.” So, I asked her what she wanted to do, and she replied, “I want to own my own beauty salon.” I smiled and said, “Well, that’s the entrepreneur in you.” She smiled back.
Then she told me how the same friend looked down on her dream. I asked, “What did you say to that?” She responded, “I told her to check for me in 10 years.” I was so proud of her for standing her ground, confident in her vision.
I don’t know exactly what God has in store for her through entrepreneurship, but I do know that we often get glimpses of our potential when we’re young. Too often, though, as we grow, we let fear creep in, or we listen to what others say we should do. I want to keep reminding Arie to stay connected to God, to let Him reveal who she’s meant to be and what she’s meant to do. It doesn’t matter what the world says; it only matters what He says. As she builds her relationship with Him, everything she’s meant to be will flow out of that.
The truth is, if we don’t take the time to seek God’s direction for our lives and become all He’s called us to be, we’re doing ourselves—and those we’re meant to impact—an injustice.
God Bless The entrepreneur