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I Have Been Broke Before

Sep 16, 2024

In the ebb and flow of life, there are seasons that shape us, test us, and ultimately lead us to growth. One such season for me was a period of financial struggle during the early years of parenthood. My wife and I faced challenges until we started figuring things out. It was during this time that I had to remind myself of a valuable lesson – the importance of contentment in every circumstance.

Reflecting on my journey, I noticed a pattern of repeating cycles, especially in relation to money. As I began to earn more, I realized that my financial decisions were crucial in breaking the cycle of financial instability. In a blog titled “Blow $2500 a Day,” I shared the realization that, had I been more responsible with my earnings, the financial outcomes could have been exponentially better.

As the money started flowing in, our lifestyle changed. Vacations became more lavish, self-care routines were indulgent, and we treated ourselves to various luxuries. This shift was, in part, a reaction to remembering times of financial constraint. We reveled in having more and embraced the newfound abundance.

However, life is cyclical, and seasons change. I find myself in a different phase now, where resources are not as abundant, but the wealth of knowledge accumulated over the years is substantial. A conversation with a friend named JOHN often revolves around the promise that, when the next opportunity arises, I am determined to do something truly impactful.

Understanding life’s seasons is crucial – there are times of plenty and times of scarcity. Money comes and goes, and contentment becomes the anchor in navigating these diverse seasons. Paul’s words resonate deeply with me: “I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.” It’s a reminder that true contentment isn’t contingent on external circumstances but is cultivated from within.

Personally, I express this sentiment as having learned to be content because I’ve experienced financial lows. Growing up without substantial wealth meant that the adjustment to financial challenges wasn’t the most devastating, but it was indeed a significant shift. Our financial status varies, but the key is to find contentment irrespective of the external circumstances.

In times of plenty or scarcity, another of Paul’s teachings echoes profoundly: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Regardless of the season, leaning on faith provides unwavering support and guidance.

Our journey concludes with the understanding that life’s diverse seasons, with their lessons and growth opportunities, contribute to a fulfilling and purposeful existence. Embracing the cyclical nature of life, finding contentment within, and drawing strength from faith lead to a meaningful journey.