Maybe it was on the rooftop in Los Angeles overlooking the city, or perhaps it hit me on the plane from LA to Atlanta, or while sitting on the back porch of my daughter’s house, sipping coffee. Either way, the truth remains: I don’t have nothing to prove.
I recently relaunched my brand, Unapologetic, and that’s where it all started to resonate in my heart. I had some success with this brand, but I know I didn’t give it everything that was in me. I could’ve poured so much more into it. Before writing this blog, I thought about all the insightful things I wanted to do for the relaunch, and then it hit me.
I know it could have impacted people in a more significant way. I know it had an effect because people still ask me about it, and they continue to wear the merchandise.
I’ve grown in my faith, and I’m past the point of telling people to sit back and watch what I do. That mindset is elementary for me now. I shut down my business 2 ½ years ago, and while that might sound crazy to some, I believe in my heart that this was what God was telling me to do. In hindsight, I see why I had to do it, even if it didn’t make sense to me at the time. Obedience rarely makes sense in the beginning.
The first time I launched my brand, I faced doubts from people about concepts inspired by the Word of God. They didn’t feel it was something they could buy into, and I felt the need to prove myself. I wanted to show them that these ideas came from God and that they would work. I said, “You don’t believe me? Just watch and see.”
But I’ve grown past that mindset. I remember when one of the disciples told Jesus that they had seen some followers who weren’t part of their group and wanted to rebuke them. Jesus said, “Don’t rebuke them, for if they are not against us, then they are for us.” That’s exactly how I feel about the faith-based apparel business. If others are promoting God and believe this is what they’re supposed to do, then there’s fruit in that—or at least the potential to bear fruit. That’s the most important thing here.
So while I don’t have anything to prove to anyone else, I do want to prove something to myself. I want to show that I can focus, take an idea or concept, and make it so much more impactful. I want my clothing drops to inspire—not just to be clothing drops, but to encourage creativity and a life lived for God.
Since 2013, my mantra for Unapologetic has been “Faith and fashion for us.” This statement rings true, and if God gives me the grace and direction, I know it will be something amazing that impacts people for generations to come.
God Bless The Entrepreneur