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Feel Free To Unfollow Me

Aug 28, 2024

We often hear about the importance of finding your target audience, and that’s absolutely crucial. It’s why we create our brand story—to connect with people who resonate with us, who share our values and passions. But there’s something else to consider: you want people to follow you who are genuinely interested in what you’re saying and doing, who will engage with you. Essentially, it’s about socializing on social media and building your tribe.

If someone doesn’t like what you’re saying or how you’re saying it, then that’s not your tribe. To those people, I stand on my soapbox and proclaim loudly: feel free to unfollow me. My goal—and yours—should be to connect with those who genuinely want to connect with us.

This post was sparked by a recent look at my Instagram, where I noticed quite a few people had unfollowed me. Honestly? I wasn’t mad at all.

So if you’re building your community slowly, don’t worry. Whether it’s 1,000 people or 3,000, having a smaller, engaged following is far better than having 20,000 followers who aren’t engaged. If someone follows you one day and then unfollows because they don’t like your stance or don’t connect with what you’re doing, let them go. No loss. They’ve decided for themselves that they’re not part of your tribe. Keep putting out great content and doing it consistently.

God Bless The Entrepreneur