One thing I truly love about God is that He unapologetically allows us to be who we are. Our backgrounds, the things we’ve seen and experienced, all play a significant role in shaping us, often in ways we don’t fully realize. As I’ve matured in my faith, I’ve come to understand that the Word of God feeds my faith. It nurtures the dreams, desires, and plans that He has placed inside me.
You know the scripture: “Submit your plans to God and let Him direct your path.” That’s crucial because trying to navigate life and business purely on our own instincts doesn’t make much sense. When I tell people that faith got me living risky, I’m talking about how God places things on my heart that may seem irrational to others. But they don’t understand what feeds my faith. It’s the assurance that the dreams He gives me are not just figments of my imagination, but divine assignments.
Think about Peter stepping out of the boat. To everyone else, the water said “sink,” not “walk.” But Peter’s faith was fed by his belief in God’s call. That faith fueled his boldness to step onto the water, to take the risk. He wasn’t fed by the logic of the situation; he was fed by the Word, by his trust in the God who called him. That’s why we take risks. It’s not for the thrill of it—it’s because we believe that God has called us to do something bigger than ourselves.
I used to go back and forth about the phrase, “faith got me living risky,” thinking maybe it was too radical. But no, this is me. I know there are millions of people out there who feel the same way—that God feeds their faith, driving them to impact lives and pursue the calling He’s placed within them.
I’ve taken many risks in my life, and I plan to take more. It’s not about getting comfortable, because greater things are on the other side of that risk. We walk by faith, not by sight, and it’s faith that feeds the vision, propels us forward, and gives us the courage to live the life God has called us to.
God Bless The Entrepreneur