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Enough With The Side Hustle

Oct 8, 2024

Trust me, I get it—I know a thing or two about hustling. It’s embedded in Black culture, but the mentality of the side hustle isn’t limited to just one community. Growing up on the east side of Savannah, I witnessed a neighborhood filled with generations of families, love, and camaraderie. But there was also the hustle, a mindset I naturally gravitated toward. I started young; at 14, I was washing dishes in a restaurant, thanks to a hookup from my dad. By 18, I had climbed the ranks to shift manager, with an eye on becoming an assistant manager. Those early experiences taught me the ins and outs of business and the relentless drive of hustling.

But today, I want to challenge you to think beyond just hustling. Don’t just look at business as a hustle—consider it a legacy you can build for your family. If it’s not something you intend to pass down, at the very least, it should be an opportunity for your children, nieces, nephews, siblings, or parents to see that a business can be real, substantial, and capable of generating a great salary—not just for you but for those you might employ.

It’s time to focus on building real businesses. Side hustles are great for a start, but if we want to create something lasting, something impactful, we need to dig deeper. We need to toil over our ‘why’—the reason we started in the first place. We need to shape our brand story so it resonates deeply with our audience. Every graphic, every piece of content should connect with the people we aim to serve. This is crucial. Why? Because when the time comes to scale and elevate our businesses, we need to be ready. We need to have laid the foundation so solidly that growth is not just a possibility but an inevitability.

Let’s stop playing small. Let’s start building with intention.

I know many of you may still be working a job, and that’s fine. But consider the business you’re building on the side not just as a hustle but as a legitimate investment and a real business. You’ve got this! Let’s go!

God Bless The Entrepreneur