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Do What You Say You Are Going To Do

Jul 29, 2024

In the realm of entrepreneurship, the journey often unfolds as a series of pivots. It’s a narrative of constant growth, a realization that settling or seeking comfort might not be the end goal. This journey, anchored in submitting oneself to a sovereign purpose, demands a commitment to sovereignly rule over the tasks we are created to undertake. As I reflect on my entrepreneurial path, I’ve come to recognize that God, in His infinite wisdom, consistently urges us to expand our thinking, encouraging us to push the boundaries of our own capabilities.

Declarations carry weight only when paired with dedicated action. Claiming to be a writer isn’t merely about putting words on paper; it’s a testament to the time, dedication, and self-investment poured into the craft. My journey began with a humble commitment of one blog a month, evolving into a weekly routine, and eventually reaching four blogs a week. Building systems proved instrumental in this progression, illustrating that with discipline and dedication, growth is not only achievable but inevitable.

Similar principles apply to my pursuit of public speaking. While I may not have secured bookings at this juncture, I recognize the value of proactive engagement. Instead of waiting for opportunities to come knocking, I leverage social media to share my insights, going live to discuss various topics. This proactive approach, akin to my writing journey, signifies a commitment to living out declarations, even before external validation. It’s a testament to the belief that the work put into our aspirations is a direct reflection of the commitment we have towards them.

So, I challenge you – declare your ambitions boldly, but let your actions echo even louder. The path to success isn’t a straight line; it’s a journey of consistent effort, constant refinement, and unwavering commitment. As you embark on your own endeavors, remember that declarations are not mere statements but commitments to a journey of growth, where every step forward is a testament to the faithfulness of your actions.