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Could this be God?

Aug 12, 2024

In the whirlwind of honing my new skill set over the past six months, I hit a roadblock that prompted frustration and a pivotal question: maybe it’s God. Despite exhaustive research and navigating various programs, I reached a point where I needed help.

My passion for pushing boundaries led me to tackle platforms challenging my efficiency, even if it wasn’t my forte. Amidst grappling with a particular platform, I realized it was time to enlist assistance. I identified potential team members, pitched profit sharing for mutual growth, but faced disappointment as one turned me down, and the other went silent.

Honesty time? I felt a certain way—not heartbroken, but undeniably disappointed. Those individuals seemed perfect for what I envisioned. Yet, the setbacks made me question if it was divine intervention redirecting my path.

Weeks later, perseverance paid off. Two new individuals emerged, fitting seamlessly into the roles I needed. I can’t shake the feeling that God orchestrated this. His foresight surpasses ours, emphasizing the importance of continuous prayer for guidance. Grateful for the connections in this new venture, it’s time to embark on something incredible. Remember, pray before assembling your team—it ensures the right fit for the journey ahead.