If we’ve been on the journey for a long time and start feeling the weight of exhaustion, that’s natural. I get it. There are days when I want to quit, days when my flesh says, “I’m done.” But I believe with all my heart that there’s something inside me that fights against that urge to stop. The Holy Spirit lights a fire in me every single morning, even when I don’t feel like doing anything. It’s almost as if I’m being encouraged by God’s Spirit to keep going. It’s an amazing feeling.
Sometimes, though, my mind and body get tired. You’ve felt it too, haven’t you? That feeling of being worn down but still being pushed by something you can’t explain? But let’s be honest here: if we really knew how close we were to the finish line, we’d never quit.
That reminds me of Florence Chadwick. In 1952, she attempted to swim across the Catalina Channel—a stretch of ocean 21 miles long. It was a grueling swim, but what made it even harder was the fog. It set in thick that day, and no matter how hard she swam, she couldn’t see the shore. She was tired, cold, and her muscles were screaming at her to stop. Finally, she asked to be pulled out of the water.
What she didn’t know—what the fog kept her from seeing—was that she was only one mile away from shore.
How often is that us? Right on the brink of breakthrough, but the fog of life—the distractions, the tiredness, the doubt—makes us want to quit. We’ve got to keep pushing forward, even when it’s hard, even when the goal isn’t visible. The truth is, sometimes we are closer than we realize.
Whatever you’re working on, know that you can be the first to do it. And when you succeed, you inspire others to believe in what’s possible for them. There will always be haters and people talking about you behind your back. Let them. Stay focused on your mission and keep going. Yes, the fog will try to block your view of the goal, but don’t let that be the reason you stop. Keep swimming—because you never know how close you are to the shore.
God Bless The Entrepreneur