You ever take a saying and use it so often, but can’t remember where it came from? The title of this blog is one of those sayings. We all know what it means—or at least, most of us do. If not, here’s a quick explanation: it’s about taking what’s useful and leaving the rest behind.
I use this saying all the time, especially when I’m learning from others. Sometimes, people share insights that don’t fully resonate in the moment, or maybe there are parts I just don’t agree with. That’s fine—growth often requires discernment. Every book I read, I apply this principle. For instance, I love Think and Grow Rich. I don’t agree with everything in the book, but overall, it’s a solid resource. Myron Golden once pointed out something interesting about it—he said the book should’ve been called Think Long and Grow Rich, highlighting the need for deep, intentional thought. At first, I kind of understood what he meant, but as time passed, it really sunk in. We need to carve out more time to think deeply—about what we’re doing and how we want to execute it. More thought on the front end means better results when it’s time to act.
I’ve even set a daily event on my calendar that says Grow: Audible + YouTube + Podcast. This reminds me to invest in learning from other entrepreneurs every day, to constantly elevate my mindset. It doesn’t matter how you do it—just make sure you’re doing it. I used to love walking through Los Angeles with an audiobook playing in my ear. It was a game-changer—just walking through the fast-paced city, the sunlight breaking through the trees, while I absorbed valuable information that could take my life to the next level.
So every day, make it a priority to chew up the meat, spit out the bones, and add value to your life. When you do that, you position yourself to add value to others.
God Bless The Entrepreneur.