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By All Means Neccedsary

Aug 27, 2024

When you first get started—or even if you’re in the middle of your journey—it’s all about doing whatever it takes to accomplish the goal. If you have to learn new technology, so be it. If you need to figure out how to edit videos, operate a new podcast system, or upgrade your phone from Android to iPhone to be more efficient and build a better ecosystem, then that’s what you’ve got to do. By all means necessary.

Sometimes, it’s just about starting. But it’s also about doing whatever it takes and learning whatever you need to learn to do the thing you know you’re supposed to be doing. If you’re shy and don’t want to get in front of a camera, then your ‘why’ is the thing that’s going to ground you and push you to create the content necessary to put out on your social media channel and make yourself findable. If you don’t know how to edit a video, that means you’re going to find the best app you can and start editing where you are. You don’t have to be an expert, but you do have to try.

If your desire is to start a podcast but you don’t know how to work the equipment, then it’s time for a deep dive into YouTube videos. Learn how to work the microphone, figure out how to use the Rodecaster Pro—whatever it takes. The important thing is to get the journey started.

This is not something you can delegate in the beginning because you need to build the infrastructure yourself. You have to get some type of understanding. Now, once you’ve got a general grasp of what you’re doing and have the resources in place, then sure, you can delegate. You can even delegate from the start if you have a clear understanding of what you want and how it should look.

My mantra for many years has been ‘make moves or make excuses,’ and that means that no matter what obstacles are in the way or what I need to learn, I’m going to do whatever it takes to make it happen—by all means necessary. There’s already going to be adversity on your journey; don’t put roadblocks in your own way.

I heard Myron Goldin share a story about his father that really stuck with me. They were working on a car, trying to get a bolt loose. No matter what they did, the bolt just wouldn’t budge. Myron told his dad, “I guess we won’t get it loose.” His dad replied, “Oh, it’s gonna come out.” Then he asked Myron, “Do you know why?” Myron replied, “Why?” His dad said, “Because we have a mind, and it doesn’t.

So, I’m echoing that message to you: You have a mind, therefore you can do anything. Just put in the work.

God Bless The Entrepreneur