My dad always told me how he had to discipline me in everything I did. When it was time to swim, he had to push me. When it was time to ride my bike, it was the same story. The list goes on. But he always knew there was something deeper in me. As I live life now, I realize he was right. There is something deeper in me. And there’s something deeper in you, too. The key is, you have to be willing to go beneath the surface.
I believe in education, but not necessarily in the traditional sense of going to college. Don’t get me wrong—I’m not against college. But I really believe in applied knowledge. We need to educate ourselves on the skill sets we’re pursuing, and have some knowledge about major aspects of life—like the real estate market, investments, and how to put money away tax-free. To truly become skilled in these areas, we have to dig deeper, put in the work, and go beneath the surface.
Sometimes, my wife and I will be watching TV, and something comes up that I don’t really understand. I’ll say something with confidence, but then realize I don’t know much about it at all. Lately, I’ve started to correct myself and admit, “I don’t really know about that.” And I’m OK with that because if I want to learn more, I’ll find books, podcasts, and other resources to help me apply that knowledge to my life.
We have to respect each day. Leisure has its place, but you need to ask yourself, where do you want to go in life? Everyone gets 24 hours each day. What are you doing with yours? It’s time to challenge yourself and go beneath the surface.
God Bless The Entrepreneur.