I know when you read this title, it probably felt a little misleading. So, I think it’s fair to give you the backstory. My wife and I were having a deep conversation about life, and at the end, she said, “I want to be empty when it’s time for me to die.” She was saying that she wanted to exhaust everything God has given her to do in this lifetime.
I wanted to stop her and say, “I’m gonna do a blog about that,” but I couldn’t interrupt that moment of vulnerability we were sharing. I went to sleep thinking about it. I woke up still thinking about it. And I realized, it’s so much deeper than just reaching some pinnacle, some dream. Even after you’ve reached your dream, if you’re still alive, there’s more to do. There’s more life to live.
My goal every day now is to ask: What is God putting on my heart, and how do I act on it? How do I dedicate a portion of my life daily to improve my craft—whether it’s writing, speaking, or creating? All of these things matter. I feel it’s crucial to be prepared for whatever God is going to do, for whoever we’re meant to meet, for whatever connections He puts together. My daily prayer is, “Lord, fill me with Your Holy Spirit, lead me in the way You want me to go. I surrender my life to You today.” I truly believe there’s joy in living like this. We won’t always be happy, but we can always have joy, because there’s joy in purpose.
I want to reach the end of my life and be empty, with nothing left to give. I pray the same for you—that when your time comes, you’ll be empty, having poured out everything you had in the time God has given you.
God Bless The Entrepreneur