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Author: Henry Murphy

Living Unchained: A Call to Represent the Kingdom

One of my favorite songs by KB is called “No Chains,” and the lyric that resonates deeply with me is, “I don’t need your respect, I’m the threat.”

To those who believe that Jesus is God in the flesh, seated at the right hand of the Father in heaven, I want to speak directly. Recognizing that I am made in the image of God, I feel a profound duty to be the best version of myself. This duty extends to being authentically me, uniquely crafted by God, for God. No one else can fulfill the specific purpose designed for me, just as any task you’re called to is tailor-made for you.

The ultimate goal is to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. This involves surrendering our lives to a sovereign God. In doing so, God allows us to sovereignly rule over the tasks He assigns us. What we do is a divine collaboration between us and God, making external respect unnecessary.

My aim is to live a life of repentance, aligning my thoughts with the teachings of the Bible day in and day out. This practice not only helps us grow closer to God but also allows us to shine as lights in a dark world. The fact that we can do this through God’s spirit makes us a threat. When I say, “I don’t need your respect, I’m the threat,” it means I am representing the kingdom of God on earth until His kingdom fully comes to fruition.

I want to encourage all believers to prioritize God, staying diligent in their faith. Daily reading of the Word and seeking God’s grace to live it out enables our actions to be a visible testimony. Through our lives, people will witness God’s transformative power, prompting them to give praise for His work. I am grateful to God for removing my stony heart, replacing it with a heart of repentance, fostering a deep and meaningful relationship with Him.

In conclusion, let’s embrace the call to live unchained, representing the kingdom of God in our unique way. As believers, let’s keep God first, stay diligent, read His Word, and seek His grace daily. May our lives be a testament to the power of God’s transformative work, inspiring others to join in giving praise for what He has done.

It Can Start with You

James’ journey from the streets of Savannah, Georgia, to the helm of a family empire is a testament to resilience, determination, and the power of individual choices. Growing up in a neighborhood fraught with the challenges of gang activity, he faced an uphill battle after losing both parents, finding refuge with his uncle.

Academic struggles did little to dampen James’ fervor for entrepreneurship. In the crucible of his teenage years, familial ties eroded due to the grim specter of gang involvement. Determined not to be ensnared by his environment, he sought solace in a job at a restaurant beyond his neighborhood.

Here, he encountered a diverse array of individuals who would shape his destiny. Conversations with a college student majoring in marketing and another with a PR expert opened his eyes to a world beyond the confines of his upbringing. His bond with the restaurant owner became a source of daily inspiration, fueling his dream of becoming a business owner.

The turning point, however, arrived with the tragic loss of most of his family to street violence at the age of 18. Undeterred, James, armed with savings from his job, stayed the course. Five years later, he realized his dream, acquiring a food truck that became the cornerstone of his entrepreneurial success.

“It can start with me,” became his mantra, a declaration that echoed through his life. James not only defied the destiny that seemed etched for him but paved a new path for his family. His commitment to change resonated in every aspect of his life, from the inception of his business to the relationships he cultivated.

In his pursuit of success, James left an indelible mark on those around him. His children, now thriving entrepreneurs, inherited not only a business but a legacy. Beyond financial prosperity, he instilled in them the values of faith, financial literacy, and unwavering principles for life.

As James bid farewell this year, his impact reverberates through the generations he left behind. Ten grandchildren now play in the expansive estate he acquired, complete with five houses and a grand lake, a symbol of the profound change he sparked. James’ story is a poignant reminder that, regardless of our origins and past experiences, the power to transform lives and destinies lies within each of us. No matter where you come from, and no matter what you have seen, it can all change with you.

Pressing Forward

Receiving the news that my retina was detaching in my left eye, leading to immediate surgery and the declaration of legal blindness, was a seismic moment. The prospect of never driving again weighed heavy, and the journey to process this unexpected reality was challenging for both me and my wife.

In the midst of grappling with this life-altering news, a divine prompting led me to embark on writing my book, “God Bless The Entrepreneur: The First Decade.” Armed with my iPhone and a determination to transcend visual limitations, I recorded voice notes, trusting that there was a purpose in this creative endeavor.

Living as a visually impaired individual in Los Angeles, the fast-pace metropolis, presented unique challenges. The city’s relentless pace demanded a deliberate slowing of my mind to navigate its streets. Frustration became a companion, yet the overarching desire to move forward persisted.

Amidst the complexities, I found grace in being able to accomplish various tasks despite visual impairment. I authored two unpublished books, maintained a consistent schedule of four weekly blogs, and continually embraced opportunities to learn new skills.

As my vision further declined, a visit to the eye doctor revealed the presence of cataracts in both eyes. A prior conversation echoed, where the doctor mentioned the role of oil in stimulating cataract growth. Acknowledging this reality, I scheduled an appointment with a surgeon to address the issue.

Life with visual impairment is a journey marked by resilience. Faced with the challenge of cataracts, I choose to press forward. Every day brings its share of frustrations, yet the determination to fulfill my calling propels me. We all confront circumstances, but within each challenge lies a divine calling that beckons us to endure.

This blog stands as a testament to the encouragement for others facing adversity: keep going, carry your burdens to the One who called you, and embrace the very purpose for which you were created.

Defying Realism: A Manifesto for Dreamers

In a world that often urges us to be ‘realistic,’ I refuse to succumb to the limitations of conventional thinking. I believe sharing our dreams challenges those who may lack the audacity to dream themselves. Firm in my conviction that God crafted us with the gift of imagination, I see it as a wellspring of hope – a force powerful enough to envision a future beyond the present.

Despite harboring grand aspirations, I often restrain myself from revealing the full extent of my dreams. Why? Because some find comfort in the status quo. But that comfort doesn’t sit well with me, and if you’re reading this, I hope it doesn’t sit well with you either. I implore you to recognize that stagnation is not an option. We are meant to evolve continually, to strive for improvement, and never settle for complacency.

I reject the notion of being ‘realistic’ because it stifles imagination and faith. I challenge anyone who suggests otherwise to instead encourage dreaming bigger. Set goals so colossal it would take two lifetimes to achieve them, and then tirelessly work towards them every single day.

It’s personal when someone tells me to ‘be realistic’ because that phrase threatens to snuff out the very essence of imagination and faith that propels me forward. I want no part in a life dictated by limitations. Instead, let them say, “Dream bigger.” Let them challenge you to stretch your ambitions to the limits.

My fervent hope is that your business flourishes, becoming a source of boundless opportunities not just for you but for others as well. Let it be a catalyst for growth, a testament to the true purpose of business – to create, to innovate, and to generate opportunities that ripple through the entrepreneurial landscape.

So, defy realism, embrace the vastness of your dreams, and work towards a future that surpasses the boundaries of today. In the realm of limitless possibilities, may your business be a force of creation and growth, shaping a world where dreaming big isn’t just encouraged; it’s a way of life.

Pushing Past the Learning:Curve

I often find myself having this internal dialogue: “Henry, imagine what can happen if you just push past the learning period.” It’s a reflection on the challenges inherent in acquiring new skill sets. The frustration that accompanies this learning phase is undeniable. Recently, my wife humorously pointed out my less-than-pleasant demeanor on a particularly tough day, a clear side effect of the stress associated with pushing past the learning curve.

Yet, beneath the surface of frustration lies a profound truth – the pathway to becoming a better version of ourselves involves traversing the difficult terrain of learning. Increasing our knowledge is the catalyst for gaining understanding, and it is this understanding that ultimately transforms into wisdom.

I extend this encouragement to you: persist in your journey of growth. As you expand your knowledge, new opportunities materialize on the other side of growth. The temptation to quit often surfaces during the challenging learning curve, but if the pursuit aligns with your aspirations, it becomes your duty to see it through.

The most significant rewards lie beyond the learning phase. It’s essential to recognize that the very thing that sparked your interest and commitment deserves the effort to reach its fruition. So, take the time – not just now, but consistently in the future – to fortify the resilience to learn, grow, and evolve.

In essence, “Pushing Past the Learning” is not just a process; it’s a mindset that propels us toward a better, more knowledgeable, and wiser version of ourselves. The journey may be arduous, but the destination is marked by the fulfillment of your potential and the realization of the opportunities waiting on the other side of growth.

From Belief to Becoming

In the realm of dreams, Maria’s aspirations were once as boundless as her imagination. Enchanted by the allure of Broadway, she immersed herself in the world of acting, mirroring her idols with unwavering passion.

Initially fueled by her parents’ support, financial constraints struck like a thunderbolt, stifling the investment in Maria’s artistic pursuits. Her father, grappling with his own unrealized childhood ambitions, inadvertently projected his thwarted dreams onto Maria, shaping her perspective.

As her father’s aspirations overshadowed her own, Maria succumbed to a scarcity mindset, replacing her vibrant dreams with a belief in limitations. The transition from boundless potential to self-imposed restrictions was a subtle yet profound metamorphosis.

This narrative highlights a crucial truth: what you believe shapes who you become. Maria’s transformation reflects the delicate dance between mindset and reality. The scarcity mindset, inherited from her father, became the lens through which she viewed her capabilities.

In concluding this reflection, it’s essential to underscore the paramount role of mindset in shaping destiny. The belief in oneself acts as a catalyst for action, propelling individuals towards their envisioned destinations. As Maria’s story poignantly illustrates, a shift in mindset from “I can’t” to “I can” opens the door to a realm where imagination and reality seamlessly intertwine.

In the symphony of life, belief harmonizes with action, creating a melody that resonates with the cadence of dreams fulfilled. May Maria’s journey serve as a reminder that the mind, when tuned to optimism, transforms aspirations into a vibrant reality.

Injustice: Unveiling Our Untapped Potential

Injustice, a term often associated with external grievances, takes a compelling twist in this reflection – it’s an injustice to ourselves. As beings created in the image of a supremely creative God, we carry within us the divine spark of creativity.

The essence of our existence lies in the responsibility to embrace and amplify this creative aspect bestowed upon us. Whether navigating the pursuit of personal or professional aspirations, the premise is clear: learn, evolve, and steward the gifts we’ve been endowed with.

The path to fulfillment involves continuous learning, an unwavering commitment to mastering our crafts. Each one of us is a unique manifestation of God’s creativity, negating the need for fear or competition. Embrace your distinctiveness and find innovative ways to excel in your endeavors.

Drawing inspiration from the analogy of trends in the clothing industry, it becomes evident that while certain aspects may follow patterns, the positioning of logos or unique marketing strategies can set one apart. The message is simple – be open-minded to explore untapped potential and strive for excellence in your own way.

The call to action lies in the recognition that God grants us the power to accumulate wealth and bestows every good gift from above. To neglect stewarding these gifts is an injustice in itself. This blog stands as a reminder to exhaust every ounce of power and creativity bestowed upon us, acknowledging the divine origin of our potential.

In the pursuit of our aspirations, let us dismantle the shackles of self-imposed injustice and embrace the boundless creativity that defines our very essence.

Walking Wisdom: Learning and Sharing

In the energetic streets of Los Angeles, California, my daily walks serve as a canvas for what I call a “brain dump” blog. Amidst covering 3 to 5 miles each day, I dive into the vast expanse of my thoughts, often fueled by the stories and ideas shared through Audible.

Reflecting on my journey, I find a tinge of regret for not embarking on this quest for knowledge sooner. Yet, the beauty lies in the realization that it’s never too late to start. My newfound obsession with learning propels me to explore every book recommended by respected individuals, ensuring the narrator’s voice aligns with my preferences.

The power of the mind becomes a focal point – a tool capable of rebuilding thought patterns and housing a knowledge base ready for use. Sharing this passion for learning has become a mission, extending beyond personal growth to connecting with others who cherish knowledge.

This blog, more akin to a journal entry, serves as a testament to the belief that age is no barrier to acquiring new knowledge. The mind, a gift from God, possesses the ability to reshape our understanding and contribute positively to the world.

In our interconnected world, the power of community amplifies the impact of shared thoughts and wisdom. This entry encourages not only picking up a book but also embracing the act of writing thoughts down and sharing them with the world. In a landscape often dominated by negativity, your positive thought might be the spark that brightens someone’s day or ignites a cascade of amazing actions.

So, let this be an invitation – immerse yourself in the joy of learning, share your wisdom with the world, and let positivity ripple through the fabric of our collective consciousness.

Beyond Small Talk: Unveiling the Power of Mindset

n the brief encounters that pepper our daily lives – be it in the grocery store, elevators, the gym, or the bustling streets of Los Angeles – the inevitable question arises: “What do you do?” It’s a societal norm, a conversation catalyst that opens the door to understanding each other’s pursuits. When faced with this query, I find myself juggling titles like speaker, author, podcaster, and serial entrepreneur. Yet, in the dance of small talk, I’ve realized the importance of articulating a succinct purpose – a mantra that encapsulates my mission. For me, it’s about helping people with mindset so that they can unlock their skill set.

Reflecting on my own journey, I recognize that mindset is the linchpin in our pursuit of any goal. It’s the foundational step that precedes skill development. If we don’t believe we can achieve something, the journey often stalls before it even begins. This realization birthed my mantra: “I help people with mindset so that they can get to the skill set.”

The journey unfolds through a series of steps, each building upon the other. Mindset lays the groundwork, affirmations solidify belief, discipline becomes the bridge, habits form the structure, and outcomes naturally follow. While the steps appear deceptively simple, the dedication required is profound. It’s a process I’ve embraced and one that underscores the pivotal role of mindset.

Delving deeper, I’ve come to understand the dichotomy between scarcity, fixed mindsets, and limited beliefs versus open, growth, and abundance mindsets. Identifying and transforming these mental frameworks is the key to unlocking our true potential in the skill set.

This blog is an invitation to ponder beyond the surface of small talk, to recognize the profound impact of mindset in shaping our paths. It serves as a reminder that our beliefs are the compass guiding us through the journey of skill development. So, the next time someone asks, “What do you do?” consider how you should answer.

Are You Ready To Be Found?

In the expansive fabric of our aspirations, there’s a pivotal question that often lingers in the background – “Are you ready to be found?” This might seem like an odd inquiry, but it unravels a crucial facet of success that we sometimes overlook.

Consider those lofty dreams you harbor – the desire to be wildly successful at what you do. Now, envision the moment when your aspirations materialize. The question then becomes, have you adequately prepared for your great reveal? Have you utilized your time wisely, diligently crafting the best version of yourself in the current season?

The concept of community content becomes paramount in this reflection. In an era dominated by digital footprints, the world often seeks social proof. If someone stumbles upon your name and considers investing in your expertise or products, the first instinct is to seek validation. This validation often comes in the form of tangible evidence – blogs, e-books, or books for a writer; mouth-watering culinary delights or recipes for a restaurant owner.

The societal landscape dictates that we must be ready to showcase our skills, expertise, or products. It’s not just about claiming a title; it’s about substantiating it through a well-curated online presence. Whether you’re an aspiring writer or a seasoned restaurateur, the principle holds: be prepared for your big reveal.

Opportunity has an uncanny way of knocking on the doors of the prepared. This blog is a gentle nudge to encourage meticulous preparation, reminding us that success is not just about achieving our dreams but also about being ready when the world takes notice. The grand mosaic awaits those who have invested the time and effort to be truly prepared.