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Author: Henry Murphy

Faith has me taking risk in business

I have had this goal for years to do one major conference  (with 10,000 or more people), every month, as a brand. We have two under our belt and a third one became available, but I was hesitant to do it because the upfront cost was $3,000 to $4,000.  (Conference Cost + Travel + Shipping a pallet of tees).  

I had to remind myself of two things: “RISK” and “LEGACY.” Every business I have ever owned was birthed through faith and risk. I knew with all my heart that if I don’t take risks like these now then there won’t be a legacy to leave. 

But, if I plant the roots now, my granddaughter, Arie, can pitch her new designs and ideas in the future to 20,000 people at one time at this very same conference. Thank God for enlarging our territory and us, as a brand, for having the faith to step out!

My life before entrepreneurship

Before I became an entrepreneur, I was in restaurant management for 20 years. I had a meager salary of about 60,000; more if I received any bonuses. Yet, my restaurant made close to a million a year. The fact that I was running a million dollar restaurant should have showed me my potential. But I had doubts.

I believe it was due to not graduating from high school. Eventually, I did obtain my GED (General Education Diploma). I think I was plagued by believing, I could never own my own business. Because I lacked education; which made me feel that I was unqualified.  

 Then, I stumbled onto two amazing words . . . “Specialized Knowledge”.  Basically, you can concentrate your focus on exactly what you are trying to do and be an expert at it.

This is what entrepreneurship is to me. It’s becoming an expert in your field, putting the time and dedication in, owning your own time, doubling sales until you can afford employees and then more locations (expansion) if you desire. . . .

 pWhoever reads this, don’t let anything deter you. All Glory to God.



Arie (my granddaughter) allowed me to look beyond myself. It wasn’t until she was born, that I started thinking about my Legacy. My focus was always on building something unique, but not necessarily past my life time. 

I had real goals and ambitions before her, but now they are more centered. My wife and I had kids quite early, thus when I started my entrepreneurial journey, my kids were pretty much grown. 

One of my favorite Entrepreneurs is Sam Walton. I loved his grind and commitment to his vision, he was all a about customer service. In my opinion, his kids almost destroyed his legacy because of their lack of customer service. I think that’s partly due to them not being apart of the day to day grind. 

Arie is 4 years old right now. and I want her to see everything that goes on, I want her to grow up in it and appreciate the hard work that comes with entrepreneurship. And having her to see and witness the sacrifice it takes, the failures and how to push pass them, in order to succeed. 
