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Author: Henry Murphy


For quite sometime, doing things incrementally eluded me. Now, I have grown and embodied this concept in my life.

For instance, I have used this concept for writing a book and losing weight. They both were huge tasks, so I broke them down to make them manageable.

The incremental concepts I applied to writing my book was formatting it. First, I layered out the concept of the book. Secondly, I outlined the chapters. Next, I filled that up with content to each chapter until I finished the book. Lastly, I proceeded the cover layout, foreword and acknowledgments. Once the project was completed, it felt good to look at the finish work.

I did a similar incremental concept with losing weight. I started walking 10 minutes a day, then 20 minutes, and then 30 minutes. I replace fried chicken with baked chicken. I replace a bag of Doritos with almonds. I replace more veggies than carbs. I incrementally changed my eating habits to become the person that I wanted to be. I am healthier, and I am still working on small incremental things to become better.

My hope is to take the same concept to the financial world. I will use this to put $100 in the stock market until it is $100,000. This concept can be used in all areas of life. My hope is that someone can take this incremental concept, and put it to work in your life.


Be Faithful

When I got to a point in my life and was able to see my potential, I did not want to squander it. I knew I had gifts in me, and I knew I was capable of becoming more than what I was. It’s not that what I was so bad, but it’s that I had more in me to offer.

When I became a believer, I saw in the gospels that we were all entrusted with gifts. The amazing thing about gifts is that they all differ ultimately for the body of Christ. 

God was basically saying, “Go in the world and be fruitful with your gifts.” There will be a time that God will require an account of what we did with what He has given us. The more fruitful we are, the more He gives us so that we can bear more fruit. However, if we neglect or hide that gift, there will be consequences.

The passage of the talents always intrigues me. Jesus calls the one who hid his talent a wicked servant and He took the talent away and gave it to the others that bore fruit. That amazed me. There was one other thing more than anything that was key. What we do now will affect what we do in the future to come. 

Don’t squander what God has entrusted you with. I want to leave you with two words today: be faithful!


Specialized Knowledge

I am not educated in the school system of America but I always acquired the necessary specialized knowledge in my businesses.

I have come to understand that I don’t have to know everything, you hire people for what you don’t know or not that good at. Why should you clutter your mind with everything.

Most people miss this, I too missed it on my journey. I’m not a cpa, I have Dan for that. I’m not a copy writer, I have John’s for that. I’m not a trademark lawyer, I have Jalissa for that. I’m not a videographer, I have Avery for that. . I think you get the picture.

PLEASE know and understand your business and bring in the necessary people to make it run like an oiled machine. #godblesstheentrepreneur

Highlight Reel

Deep down, our greatest desire is to be loved, and being known doesn’t hurt either. The cherry on top would be to have money and to be happy, day in and day out. 

If you look on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, you would think a high percentage of the world are happy and on top. 

If you were to tap in now, you would see an entrepreneur telling you the secrecy of success. But the truth is, there is no secrecy. They are selling highlight reels. 

You, dear reader, have a chance to not only be real but display it. Every day is not good but we can say that and lean on hope and find joy in God and the things that we do. Our job is not to be perfect but consistent in our efforts as our hands give all we have to unto the glory of God. 


Trust God Trust the Process Pt. 2

Sales continued to decrease and pretty soon, we had to start cutting staff. I asked myself, “What is happening? Am I not doing enough? What more can I do?” I even told myself, “Henry, you have to go harder.”

At that point, we brought on a new marketing company. They were pricey, but after calculating the risk, we decided to move forward. 

I also decided to sell my truck because I hadn’t driven in six months and the doctor told me I would never drive again. My plan was to use the money for capital. So, I sold the truck for $20,000 and made a $3,000 profit. 

I still felt like money was running away from me. I was encouraged, though, because at least the marketing firm was working and we had a shirt code to text to our 10,000+ subscribers. Somehow, some way, the funds had to come through, right?

Even with the new code that delivered our messages in minutes, we were coming up short. What was happening? There was nothing more for me to do except, “Trust God and trust the process!”


Trust God Trust the Process Pt. 1

I created this design as I was approaching a new season in my life. I had no idea what the season entailed but I noticed a shift. 

I am a pretty seasoned entrepreneur but I felt like things were beginning to slip. I honestly felt like money was leaving my hands as fast as it came in. 

As I looked at everything, I slowly realized that I wasn’t doing anything differently yet sales were  drying up. I began to wonder if this was God’s  doing and if it was, then how was I supposed to respond?

Little did I know that this was just the beginning.  As I sat in my office at The Compound, my heart said, “Trust God. Trust the Process.”



The Lord saved me from my sins about 12 years ago. I will never forget the events leading up to it, and the actual day He captured me. I was always in proximity of shootings, and eventually, my car was shot up with me and my son in it, and then weeks later, my wife put me out of the house. It just seemed like near-death experiences kept following me. 
I was about 10 blunts in, one night, when I found myself on the floor, reading the Bible, and crying out to God. You really become a new person when He changes you. Things don’t look the same and you have no desire to do the same things. Music was my biggest struggle and I loved it so much. But I needed good music that was not glorifying the sins that I had just been saved from. I needed more!
I came across Christian artists, Emanuel Lambert, better known as Da Truth, and Flame. Their music impacted me and changed my life forever. I never imagined the Lord would allow me to have a publication, ten years later. If I never do anything else, the fact that I had the honor to put those two dudes on a cover, is more than enough.


We expect the seasons to change. We know that when the tree shows new leaves and the flowers bloom that spring is approaching. we understand by nature that this is a natural order of life. So why is it that it’s hard to understand that our personal life has its own seasons.

It’s easy for us to adapt to the good seasons when money is flowing and their nothing is going wrong. However, the boring and challenging seasons makes us very uncomfortable: I have personally wasted a lot of these seasons but when you see them come around again and again, you begin to realize that you keep missing something.

I want to encourage you to slow down in these seasons and take advantage of them. Wealth is built in these seasons, new character is built in these seasons, perserance and faith is also built in these seasons.



I absolutely love the word yet. Yet gives hope, yet tells me it’s possible. You have to be able to see it before it manifest. Imagination is important because if you can imagine it, it’s in your grasp.

I look at my goals and I know that if God gives me the grace to live, they will happen. Here is my thinking. Their are business’ I haven’t created yet . Their is real estate development I haven’t purchased yet. Their is design deals I haven’t made yet. Their are books I have written and published yet .

Keep your dreams in front of you and move towards them in faith. Plan and execute.


Failure is Necessary

The FaiIf you have failed, consider yourself in good company. How do you identify the winners? Is it because they never lost? If they never lost, then how can we know that they have resiliency? There is no possible way to know how they come back from failures.

I know many people never get started, because they think it is about always winning. We all like a win, but failure is a neccassary part of the journey. In a season of failure, this is where you can see what someone is truly made of!

I am comfortable around people who try and fail. There is a character that is produced in failure that can only be found in finishing. Please don’t get discouraged by the high light reels on social media. Of course, people will show themselves always winning. But from my experience, there is no sucess without failure.