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Are You Focused Or Distracted?

Aug 29, 2024

Let’s be honest—trying to do it all can leave us spinning our wheels, never truly getting anything done. I’ve been there—scattered, everywhere, trying to tackle a million things, but missing out on what really matters.

Let me be super transparent for a moment. I often found myself distracted by my heart for helping other entrepreneurs. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that, but it became an issue when it started pulling me away from what was on my own agenda. I used to wonder if I was self-sabotaging by focusing on others instead of what I needed to do. It felt like I was skipping the deep work required to truly progress.

In order to get real work done, you need time and focus. Yet, if someone needed something that fit my expertise, I was quick to take on the project. Now imagine doing that three or four times a week. As you can imagine, I never got things done. I had to stop, reevaluate, and get selfish with my time, focusing on what I needed to do.

I hope you can learn from my experience. There’s nothing wrong with helping others, but if it’s stopping you from achieving your own goals, that’s a problem. You can actually be a better help to them if you’re the best version of yourself in that season.

It’s time to draw a line in the sand. Be intentional about fulfilling what God has called you to do. If you’re feeling scattered, it’s a sign to focus. Get selfish with your time. Let people know, “I can’t do that right now,” and mean it. If you want to become who you’re meant to be, you have to get serious about where you invest your energy.

God Bless The Entrepreneur