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Are You Findable?

Aug 10, 2024

When I wrote my last blog post, “No Views,” it was inspired by a similar thought process. Yes, I am posting to share information now, but I also have to think about the future. I need to consider those who might not see it because they aren’t on social media daily, my target audience hasn’t fully emerged, or perhaps the algorithm isn’t in my favor. None of these things really matter. The real reason, or let’s say part of the reason, why you’re doing this is to be findable.

The other reason is that it’s just good practice. It’s a way to continually improve. Being findable is just the cherry on top. Sooner or later, it will pay off.

Think about this: when you start running ads for your offerings, one of the first things people will do is check for social proof. They want to know you are real. If you’re selling something, they want to see that you’re a legitimate organization. The social proof—the consistent effort you’ve put in—will show them that you are. If they see you consistently posting two or three times a week, or even daily, it reassures them. They will see you as someone they can learn from, someone they can know, like, and trust. And once they do, they’re more likely to buy from you.

So here’s what I’m saying: keep going, regardless, so you can stay findable. Because one day, someone will come looking for you, and all the content and work you’ve put in will matter. You need to know this before you even start. There will be days when you look at your posts and see no views, no comments, and it will make your heart sink. You might question if it makes sense to continue. You might even ask yourself, “Why am I doing this?”

But you know why. You’ve already defined your why. If you haven’t, make sure you define it today. Don’t let another day go by without knowing your why. Because your why will get you through.

So keep posting, so you can stay findable.

God Bless The Entrepreneur.