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Are You Findable?

Jul 31, 2024

Posting on social media can be a little scary and intimidating. It takes practice to talk to the camera. One of the ways I got around this is to imagine the people I’m talking to on the other side.

When I think about that, I become bold and speak directly to them as if they were standing right in front of me. Now, you don’t get to this point by haphazardly doing it. You have to practice and put in the work. I think we take for granted that social media is free; it doesn’t cost us anything, and the pool of people is unlimited.

I keep two goals in mind: one is that every time I create content, I get better at it. One of the most important things is to be findable. This means when someone comes looking for me and the things I have created, they can find me on every platform. And yes, I said every platform. This can be daunting, and as of this writing, I haven’t tapped back into Snapchat yet, but I am on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, X, and TikTok. I post there every single day.

Don’t underestimate the rabbit hole. What do I mean? Have you ever found someone new on social media and, after liking one post, you go down a rabbit hole to learn more about them? That’s the idea you have to keep in mind when you create. You have to be consistent because once they find you, I guarantee they will go down that rabbit hole. So continue to bring value to the marketplace.

I heard it said like this before: “Get over yourself.” I was like, “Whoa, hold up, partner. That’s kind of harsh.” But as I sat with it, it made sense. I have to care about my personal development, and I have to care about my brand. This is the world we live in now, and if I refuse to use these free platforms, I am shooting myself in the foot. Do yourself a favor—put in the work so that you can be findable.

God Bless The Entrepreneur.